Chapter Five

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Somehow, Oswyn couldn't bring herself to be indignant or grumpy over the fact that she had been picked up as if she were a small child. Instead, she found herself pressing her body to David's, embracing the suffering that came with it. Her legs pressed against his, her skin bare due to the way her skirt was bunched up. She scooched forward so her front was flush against his back, her head leaned back. As the group revved their engines, The girl's hands clenched in surprise, bracing herself for the bikes to lunge forward. When the group set off, she let herself relax more, leaning into David comfortably. The boys hollered, enjoying the wind in their hair.


Suddenly, Oswyn had an idea. It was probably a bad idea, but that's what motorbikes and vampire boyfriends were for, making bad ideas. Wait shit, boyfriend? Shaking herself off mentally, she began to slide her hands down David's stomach. By the time they reached his thighs, he had tensed noticeably. She squeezed his thighs. He had nice thighs. Oswyn found herself wondering how comfortable they would be to sit on. The boy relaxed, melting comfortably into her arms, allowing her hands to roam. He did regret this slightly as the bike's front wheel hit a bump and jolted, causing the girl's hands to grip uncomfortably near his groin. Her hands were surprisingly strong, and it was in his best interest to protect what could be considered his best asset.

The group reached their destination, saving David's balls from any more close calls. They dismounted and began walking across a bridge. Oswyn noticed the train tracks under her feet, and decided it would be best to stick close to the group. Michael, begrudgingly, followed suit. He insisted to himself that he was going in order to protect his sister, and not to impress Star.

Oswyn snorted slightly, catching snippets from her brother's thoughts. Of course he was thinking about a girl, even when being led who knows where by a group of boys, who had been proven dodgy. Michael shook his head in order to clear it.

"What's going on?" He asked. Oswyn somewhat agreed with the sentiment. She knew they were going to feed, and she was going to become a full vampire (which filled her stomach with a giddy feeling), but why they were above a foggy precipice was beyond her. David smiled teasingly at the brunette.

"What's goin' on, Marko?" He tossed an arm around Oswyn's shoulders, a sharp twinge of pain still present through his jacket sleeve. At this point it was just another part of coexisting with each other, but the thought of making it go away was not unwelcoming.

"I dunno. What's goin' on, Paul?" Marko continued, looking over at the other blonde.

"Who wants to know?" Paul and Marko broke off into giggles, David just ignored them, swinging his free arm over Michael's shoulders.

"I think we should let Michael know what's going on." He smiled, somewhat faking genuine friendliness. A pause. "Marko?" David nodded impatiently at the boy, who just smiled, bid the twins goodnight, and jumped through a hole in the boards. Paul and Dwayne followed shortly after, stepping off the bridge, unbothered by the long drop below.

"Come with us, Michael." Oswyn watched as David stepped away from the two, missing the stinging feeling where his arm had been. "Oswyn." He gave her one last look up and down before stepping off into the fog. Her brother dropped on his knees to look over the edge. Oswyn just stepped forward, sandal-clad feet barely dangling over the edge of the gap. All four boys held on to a bar, legs swinging in the warm summer breeze.

Michael seemed shocked, staring at the hollering group. Oswyn almost rolled her eyes at how childish they were and sighed as she realized that David was not looking up at her brother, but rather up her skirt. All four of them egged the twins on, urging them to follow suit. Oswyn went first, ignoring the cry of warning from Michael. Ah fuck it. She hopped off the edge, managing to snatch a spot next to David.

That's always a good attitude to have, Oswyn. They made eye contact savoring the stabbing headache that came with it. Oswyn observed that the pain was getting more and more torturous. It seemed the universe was trying to speed up the process, push them together. It wasn't as if Oswyn was some delicate flower who would wilt at the first sign of danger, in fact she flourished in the darkness.

She remembered the night she had run into two boys, barely 18, covered in blood with faces like demons. Of course after avoiding being killed by using her silent feminine charm, she discovered they were not 18 but 86 and 87 respectively and once they dropped the fangs, they were pitiful. Frank and Andrew used to be part of a larger family that had since been hunted to near extinction. Although they were pathetic, they were smart. They had given her the information about Santa Carla "Murder Capital of the Fucking World, baby!" Funny, how taking a shortcut home could lead to dangling off a bridge with four vampires.

The boys jeered and laughed, cheering on Michael as he climbed down tentatively. David looked between the two, his face once more breaking into a mischievous grin. The world began to shake as a train shrieked into the night, warning the group of its approach. The crossbar rattled dangerously in Oswyn's hands. She looked up to see the belly of the train, all detail in the mechanics melted away with speed. Her gaze dropped just as Paul did, vanishing into the fog below. He was quickly followed by Marko and Dwayne.

Hold onto me, Oswyn.

David grinned, looking between the siblings, before wrapping one arm around the girl. "You are one of us. Let go, Michael. Let go!" His voice was nearly drowned out by the sound of the train, thundering along its tracks. Oswyn let go of the bar completely, clinging onto David, and wincing slightly at the way the pain seemed to have heightened. Seconds later they dropped into the darkness, wind whipping through Oswyn's hair, entangling her shiny tresses.

"Oswyn!" Michael's voice could barely be heard over the pandemonium surrounding the girl. Soon the sound of the engine faded away. Oswyn stood, safely on the ground next to the boys, who howled and hollered up through the fog. Moments later, the boy's body dropped from the sky and David stepped forward in time to catch him. He was passed out. Pussy.

"Is your brother always like this?" David turned to the exasperated girl next to him, ignoring the laughter from the surrounding group. Oswyn nodded, irritated by her brother's wimpiness.

Take him home. Oswyn told David. I'd rather not put up with a passed out brother.

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