Chapter Ten

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By the time she had dropped the body and retracted her fangs the group was cheering for her. Oswyn rolled her eyes and let David sweep down and lift her up bridal style.

"You're one of us, Oswyn." He leaned in close to her face. Seconds later the gap was closed. Oswyn could taste the blood on her mate's lips. She could easily rate that kiss the best kiss of her life. 


By the time the group had disposed of the bodies and all evidence of their deaths, the sun was close to rising.

David picked up Oswyn once more and sat her down behind him on his motorcycle. She clung to him, savoring the lack of pain. It was strange that she felt such a draw to him, such a need to touch him even though there was no reaction. No overwhelming pain, or pleasure. No warmth, no fuzzy feeling in her cold (now technically dead) heart.

The group sped off, sand flying out behind their bikes, wind tossing the blonde girl's hair in all directions. Since the sun had set and the night had cooled the air, and though it was summer, the chill was enough to spread goosebumps across her body. It was cold, yet she didn't feel it. She felt as though her skin had dissociated, it had become as apathetic as herself. The cold was there, it gained a physical reaction, but it didn't bother her. The perks of being dead, I guess.

Bringing her thoughts away from her changed self, Oswyn began focusing on the feeling of David pressed flush against her front. She relished in the lack of pain. There was no torture, no stabbing feeling in her gut, her skin wasn't being peeled off in the places where she and David touched, not even a slight prickle. She wondered why. What made them hurt? Frank and Andrew would know the answer. The brothers were impossibly intelligent, though the absolute definition of weaklings, and the expanse on their vampire knowledge was limitless. Oswyn, frowned to herself, trying to remember if they had blabbered about mates before. Probably... they had.


"You know, mating between vampires and half-vampires or humans is real strange." Andrew looked up at Oswyn, his eyes magnified to massive size by his equally massive glasses. The girl raised her head from the bottle of wine she was nursing to raise an eyebrow at him. She honestly could care less, but she humored him anyways.

"Like humans, us vampires have a few people who we just connect with. For two full vampires they just sense it immediately, it's an instinct, and because their blood is full vampire their bodies are just... compatible." Oswyn rolled her eyes as he talked, get on with it already. "And so when a vampire and half vampire see each other it's like... Frankie what's the word?"

Andrew turned to a scrawny ravenette, his red cheeks stuffed with pepperoni. He hastily swallowed, coughing slightly. "Painful." He choked, eyes watering.

Oswyn raised an eyebrow, her gaze flipping between the two boys. She almost smirked when she realized the italian market they ordered from was very liberal with the amount of garlic in their food. 'Poor' Frank was going to have one hell of a stomach ache. Who knew eighty plus years of severe garlic allergy wouldn't remind you of your garlic allergy.


"When they see each other it's just painful." The blonde sighed, turning her attention to the other boy. "Here it says..." He flipped through multiple pages of a momentous leather bound volume in his arms. It was a wonder Andrew could lift it. "'Strength is the most prevalent trait in any vampire, if a half vampire cannot stand the pain brought upon by the mating bond, the person is unsuited to the relationship. The evolution of vampires dictates only the strongest may survive, partially due to ancient vampire traditions of battling to the death or near death as a show of strength. This tradition was observed by women, who needed to show how compatible they would be as a mate—why the need to mate is unknown, as the spread of the vampire species is not related to procreation. Slowly, the ritual switched to one of keeping out outsiders of limited strength (in order to lower competition). Eventually the species spread across the globe and split into smaller families rather than a large society the tradition died out and was replaced. Evolution sensed this lack of combat, and though it requires specific circumstances, replaced this with something more internal. When a half-vampire comes across one of their few possible mates in the world, it causes extreme pain and/or nausea. The only way to stop this is to observe traditional mating practices (these of which are unanimous to all species) or to become full vampire."

There was a pause, the room was silent. Oswyn just raised both eyebrows. Andrew, do I look like I fucking care?

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