Chapter Nine

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"You look like you enjoy a party." The boy said, eyeing the hickeys and bite marks that littered her breasts and collarbones. Oswyn just looked at him, nonchalantly raising an eyebrow. She would be lying if the situation didn't make her uncomfortable. Watching people was far more preferable to interacting with them.

"Aww don't you talk? Do we make you nervous? We can show you a good time." An obnoxiously tall ginger looked down at the petite woman. Oswyn rolled her eyes, wishing she had nicked a pack of cigarettes from her brother, or some convenience store. She needed one. 


The sunburnt brunette opened his mouth to speak again, but his eyes were drawn away from Oswyn as a shadow fell over her. Moments later a heavy pair of arms clasped themselves around her chest and a stubbly chin set itself down on her head, messing up her meticulous hair.

"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" David's familiar voice asked. Though the question seemed polite, the venom and jealousy that laced the words made the group of boys quiver at the knees.

"N-no." A muscular blonde stammered out. He had clearly met the vampire before.

The leader just scoffed. "Well that depends, are you gonna make it a problem?"

David released Oswyn, tugging off his jacket and draping it over her shoulders. Whether it was an act of concern or jealousy (probably the latter) the girl didn't care. The scene was amusing to say the least, and she was hungry. Hungry for action, hungry for a fight, hungry for blood.

"Jonas, you don't get it." Spoke up the final member of the posse, a light brown haired boy with an obscenely large nose said. "We shouldn't mess with this guy. He's trouble."

The leader scoffed. "It's just some punk, we can take him. What-" he was cut off by the sound of three motorcycle engines roaring. The boys skidded to a halt behind David, parking their bikes next to his and dismounting.

We taking this one below the boardwalk, boys? Oswyn heard Paul's voice in her head. It was somewhat surprising but not unexpected. She was technically part of the family, and though she was only privy to short range communication, she was sure that would change soon.

"Why don't we take this down to the beach, gentlemen." David's voice was almost terrifyingly calm. "We wouldn't want to disturb these people's evenings now would we?"

Manipulative bastard. The blonde girl thought, as the group of surfer's agreed. They were obviously terrified, but unwilling to lose their honor. The vampire chuckled deeply and buried his scruffy face in Oswyn's neck, his lips caressing the marks he had already made.

The two groups made their way down onto the sand. First the vampires, then the surfers. By the time the second group reached the sand the first had slipped into the shadows beneath the boardwalk stairs.

"Where did they-" the ginger began before he was dragged into the dark by Marko. From that moment on it was a bloodbath. Small short screams escaped their throats before they were ripped out. The scent of blood was strong, impossibly strong. Oswyn stood amidst the chaos, hungry, desperately hungry. Red bathed the moonlight sand. Suddenly, she was glad there were few people on the boardwalk. What they were doing seemed risky, but she trusted David.

As if he could sense his presence in his mate's thoughts, David lifted his head from the brunette surf nazi's neck, and tilted his head towards Oswyn. Offering it to her. The hunger grew more ravenous by the second. To be surrounded by what her body craved.

"Don't resist it, Oswyn." David said, his voice clear and strong, even over the sound of the other boys ripping apart the other nazis. Questions ran rings in the girl's head. Should she wait for Michael? Was it the right time?

"It's the right time Oswyn. Give in." His voice was the only confirmation she needed. Her face contorted, outer incisors elongating, and without a second thought she swept down and began to drink the man's blood. It was heavenly. Complete utter bliss filled her body as the sticky red substance trickled down her throat. The void in her stomach filled, and it felt as if some missing piece of her had been returned.

By the time she had dropped the body and retracted her fangs the group was cheering for her. Oswyn rolled her eyes and let David sweep down and lift her up bridal style.


"You're one of us, Oswyn." He leaned in close to her face. Seconds later the gap was closed. Oswyn could taste the blood on her mate's lips. She could easily rate that kiss the best kiss of her life. 

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