Chapter Eleven

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There was a pause, the room was silent. Oswyn just raised both eyebrows. Andrew, do I look like I fucking care?


Sand flew out from behind the back wheel of David's bike as the group skidded to a halt on top of the bluff. He stood up, helping Oswyn off the bike before hopping off himself, immediately wrapping an arm around the woman's shoulders.

"Welcome home, Oswyn." He mumbled in her ear.

"Jesus what are you, a married couple?" Paul cackled, tossing his head back. Marko, finding this just as amusing, began giggling and leaned on his blonde friend.

David just shot the pair a glare, tossing a warning glance at Dwayne, who had a small smirk tugging at his lips.

As the group descended into the cave, Oswyn noticed the barrels were lit. Fire light flooded the cavernous room, illuminating the dry fountain, and the beat up couches, David's "throne" and Star's bed which was inhabited by two figures. Michael.

Her brother's figure only shifted slightly. Michael. She "said" more firmly, making him jerk up and look around. Somehow Star was undisturbed.

What the hell? Michael thought to himself, unaware his sister could hear him.

Oswyn eyed her brother's naked torso and raised an eyebrow before David dragged her back to sit on his lap in the ancient wheelchair.

Sorry Michael, you seem to be a little preoccupied. Hope we're not intruding. Oswyn teased her brother. She felt giddy, which was near impossible in normal Oswyn terms but something felt weird. Was this what happened when you fed, when you turned?

Blood... My sister is covered in blood. Michael ignored the voice in his head, confused beyond belief.

Yes, Michael, I'm covered in blood, any issues? Oswyn shot back, leaning into David.

You can hear me? The brunette boy was utterly confused. Oswyn's mouth wasn't moving, and though the other boys were making a substantial amount of noise, he could hear her voice loud and clear.

"Michael." Another voice snapped him out of his confusion. He looked down to see Star pulling the sheet further up her chest. Quickly he reached off the bed and snatched up his jeans, tugging them on under the feeble cover of the blankets before standing in front of the bed. He attempted to cover Star from the eyes of the boys. It didn't work too well. Paul and Marko just wolf whistled at his bare chest and neither David nor Dwayne seemed too interested in seeing Star naked.

Damn, Michael, and you yelled at me for doing the same thing. Osywn continued.

His head snapped around to look at his sister. How are you doing that?

It's a vampire thing. She watched the look of confusion on Michael's face grow.

Just come on, Oswyn. He glanced down at his watch. It's nearly morning, let's go.

Can't. The girl looked around at her new family. Sunburn.

The hell do you mean... Michael trailed off, putting the pieces together. You turned.

You're an absolute fucking genius, brother. She accepted a bottle of wine from David. Bougie motherfucker.

What you'd just turn your back on your family?

No. I'm spending some quality family time now! Look at my idiot brothers. She gestured to Marko and Paul chasing each other around the fountain.

Those are not your brothers! Sam and I are your brothers! He grew outraged, his face twisting in anger. David chuckled, guessing what the siblings were talking about. He buried his face in Oswyn's neck, peppering stubbly kisses along her collarbone. Michael's face reddened.

Well, Michael, I guess you should have tried to be my brother, some twin you were. She pressed herself further into David, tilting her head to the side to give him more skin to kiss.

You're just like dad... blaming us for your mistakes.

Oswyn was quiet for a second. Well I guess that's why we were so close then.

Shit, Oswyn. I'm sorry... Micahel floundered, his shoulders deflating. He fucked up. Sure, his sister was cold, and mean, and overall a bitch, but he knew she was close to their dad.

He never threw a football with Sam or taught Michael more about cars, but he sat with Oswyn. There was a clear image in his head; The petite blonde child with a calculating brow, next to the burly man with his dark hair and the same expressionless face. At a school football game, on a park bench, on the porch at home, it didn't matter. Occasionally he would raise a hand, point at someone and whisper something in the little girl's ear. She nodded and trained her eyes to the same spot. Michael and never understood it, how could you sit still for hours? How could you find anything interesting in those silly people on the street? It didn't matter to Oswyn. It didn't matter to their dad. It was something for them and for no one else.

The atmosphere grew noticeably colder. Star looked up at Michael with worried eyes. David felt Oswyn tense in his embrace. The only sound in the room was Marko's yelping as Paul tackled him to the ground.

"Oswyn..." Michael croaked. His throat felt as though it had been rubbed raw with sandpaper.

Oswyn's face crinkled into a bitter smile. She felt as if her blood had stopped flowing, her lungs had stopped expanding, and the giddy feeling that had encased her before had ceased. Her voice was low and quiet, but everyone heard it. "Fuck off, Michael."

A/n: I've been way to excited to post this chapter. Enjoy biches

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