Chapter Eight

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Need I mention Star, lover boy? A subtle smirk graced her usually apathetic face, before she snatched her arm back and headed upstairs. When she reached her room, she eyed the open window, debating leaving that way. In the end, she decided to humor her brother, for at least some of the night.

Oswyn picked up a book, as her eyes began scanning the page, not really taking in the words. Realizing that she wasn't able to pay attention, she dropped the book and headed downstairs. 


Oswyn explored the house, which she had neglected to do when they first moved in, and found herself in her grandpa's taxidermy room. It was fascinating. Deer heads were mounted on the wall. Countless owls, beavers, river otters, and other animals stood on small wooden pedestals. Strange tools lined the workbench, perfectly clean and ready to be used. Her hand slid towards one of them, admiring the way the metal gleamed in the moonlight filtering through the window. A small smack and splash in the kitchen caught Oswyn's attention, making her retract her hand and silently make her way over to the fluorescently lit room.

There stood Michael, hunched over in pain. His face was contorted unattractively, the skin twisting and his face becoming akin to that of a monster. His back incisors elongated, breaking the gum.

Oswyn was familiar with what was happening. The hunger. When it first hit it was hard to control, nagging painfully, begging you to feed. This is what was happening to Michael.

Baby's fangs are coming in, huh? She teased her brother, making his head snap up. Yellow eyes met Oswyn's blue ones.

Michael just stared at his sister, confused and somewhat angry at her calm demeanor. He just let out a strange sound that was something between a whine and a whimper before stumbling past her, heading upstairs in the hopes that Sam would be more helpful.

Oswyn watched amusedly as Michael stopped in front of the bathroom, where Sam was taking a bath. She heard Nanook whine from the room beyond, sensing Michael's changed state. Suddenly he bursts inside. There was a brief moment where everything froze. Nanook howled and propelled the teenager back down the stairs.

Oswyn sighed slightly as Sam stepped out into the hallway, calling out for his siblings and his dog.

"Don't turn on the light." Michael called out. God, this is turning into some low budget teen horror movie. The girl almost smiled as Sam turned on the light and screamed. He began to yell at Michael, asking about the blood on him.

It was getting boring, Oswyn decided, and she began making her way to the front door.

"Oswyn! You too!" Sam screeched. Dear lord he needed to be quieter. Oswyn rolled her eyes as she noticed her younger brother staring at her and her twin's translucent reflections.

"You're creatures of the night! Just like the comic book... You're vampires! My own brother and sister—goddamn shit-sucking vampires!" He froze. "Wait till mom finds out!

Oswyn sighed, as if their mother would believe him. Sadly, she didn't think the woman had enough gut to put her youngest son in the loony bin for thinking his siblings were mythical creatures. "Stay back Stay back!" Sam screeched, making a cross with his fingers (as if it would help).

The boys make their way upstairs, and their sister spun on her heel, taking this as her moment to escape. On reflection, Sam had always been an annoying little shit.


The boardwalk was bustling with life, as it always seemed to be. The people fueled Oswyn's vampiric curiosities. The need to be closer to people, smell their sweat, smell their blood. She noticed that the hippie couple who usually made out by the carousel were missing, but there was a large group of surf nazis who she recognized from the previous night. Yet as she watched, she noticed things seemed slower. It was clear the night was slowly coming to a close for the boardwalk.

Shame. Oswyn thought, eyeing the slowly dwindling crowd. She regretted her decision to stick around her brothers as long as she did. It was a beautiful night.

She quietly observed the stragglers who desperately clung to the last traces of nightlife. This included the same rowdy group of surf nazis, who—unfortunately for Oswyn—had noticed the girl watching them. A particularly sunburnt one with tousled brown hair began leading the group over to where she stood.

"You look like you enjoy a party." The boy said, eyeing the hickeys and bite marks that littered her breasts and collarbones. Oswyn just looked at him, nonchalantly raising an eyebrow. She would be lying if the situation didn't make her uncomfortable. Watching people was far more preferable to interacting with them.

"Aww don't you talk? Do we make you nervous? We can show you a good time." An obnoxiously tall ginger looked down at the petite woman. Oswyn rolled her eyes, wishing she had nicked a pack of cigarettes from her brother, or some convenience store. She needed one.

A/n: Ayo, author here. No idea if anyone will  read this but feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm really thankful, and honestly surprised at the amount of votes I've gotten  on this story but I would love some comments. Thank you so much for reading!

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