Chapter Nineteen

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"Sam, what's the matter?" Edgar asked as Sam ran panting into the store. Alan quickly joined them.

"Is it the vampires?"

"It's Michael, he's gone crazy, nearly killed me and mom!"

Edgar nodded, "Alan, get the stakes."

"No!" Sam shouted, "I mean... not yet. I need to talk some things out first. But... ok just be prepared."


The second Star's skirt had whipped around the corner, a small figure smacked against Oswyn's Leg. Looking down her eyes met Laddie's, looking almost fearful.

"Thank you," he mumbled into her skirt. Unsure of what to say, she patted his head and let him cling to her a moment longer before Dwayne picked him up.

A tense silence filled the room, even Marko and Paul keeping quiet. Star had changed since the twins had come to town, and the aftermath of that sudden change was hitting the group. It was barely midnight and they were already in the cave as if their night was coming to an end. They would have none of it.

"Who's hungry?" Marko asked, breaking the silence only to leave an even more awkward silence in its place.

"We just ate, Marko," and in spite of herself Oswyn smiled a little.

"Not hungry hungry, just hungry."

"Nothing's open this late, Marko," Dwayne raised an eyebrow at him.

"7/11 is!" Paul butted in helpfully.

That was how the group found themselves in a 24 hour gas station, sweeping snacks off the shelves, and filling cups with brightly colored slush. The teenager asleep at the counter jerked awake as Paul slid over the counter and started piling cigarette cartons into a bag. He gaped at them, his protests falling on deaf ears as David pulled a wad of cash from somewhere in his pocket and chucked it on the counter, coins spinning off onto the floor.

Dwayne was helping Laddie grab the snacks he wanted while Oswyn slipped under David's arm, a gas station hot dog and electric blue slushie in her hands. His head turned to her and dug his gloved fingers into her hair, tilting her head to the side so he could press kisses from the shell of her ear down to her collarbone.

The pock-marked teenager squeaked uncomfortably at the display and could only follow the group with his eyes as the two rowdy blondes led them out the door with arms laden with plastic bags full of snacks and drinks.

Outside the streets leading to the boardwalk were quiet, and only one light was on in the surrounding buildings. Above the comic shop one figure peered out the window at the group meandering by.

"Oswyn..." Sam muttered.

A moment later Edgar was at his side, calling for Alan.

"It's the bloodsuckers, should we go for them?"

"No," Alan responded, "no one is around to hear our screams."

"But no one is around to hear their screams either when we stake 'em."

"There's two of them for each of us, if we're including the kid, what chance do we stand?"

Sam ignored their bickering and stared at his sister as she walked. She seemed so much more engaged in her surroundings than he had ever seen her. She was following the conversation and smirking when the platinum blonde leaned down to whisper in her ear or kiss her. She even allowed the little boy to hold onto her skirt as they walked.

As if she could feel him staring she stalled and turned, cold eyes meeting his gaze. The platinum blonde and the little kid stopped and turned to see what she was looking at as the brunette reached out to stop the other two in the group. The siblings stood staring at each other for a moment before Sam pulled himself away from the window. He has to talk to her.

The moment he headed for the stairs down to the shop the Frog brothers objected but he ignored them, leaving them to follow him with their protests. When he stepped out onto the street the group was standing exactly where they had been, as if waiting.

Taking a deep breath Sam stepped forward slowly, only to crash to the ground as the Frogs slammed into his back. They trampled over Sam, holding up stakes and glaring.

"Take one more step and we'll stake you." Alan's voice trembled more than his hand.

"Vampire scum," Edgar added helpfully.

Oswyn's face was blank as Sam pulled himself off the ground and squeezed between them, shoving them back along with their insults.

"Filthy bloodsuckers!"

"Vicious leeches!"

"Cold-hearted, cold-skinned, undead, parasitic-"

"Would you guys shut up!" Sam glared at his violent entourage before turning back to Oswyn; "I just want to talk."

She was still for a moment before nodding, "talk."

"Michael hurt mom... and me. Something's wrong with him and I just don't want him around me and mom and Nanook. Now I don't agree with what you did missy but... I need your help," Oswyn's stare was blank, "Michael's gone too far."

Sam stood shaken in the middle of the dark street. The conversation he'd just had bounced around his head, pinging against his skull like a fly against a window, trying to get out. He turned to the brothers, now his only companions ons the street, opening his mouth to let the fly out when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder.

A high-pitched shriek escaped his mouth and he leapt back to see Michael standing above him.

"Sammy, how did you find out about me? What do you know about vampires?" He leaned over his brother ominously until a slender hand pulled him back. It was the girl from the boardwalk.

Before he could answer his personal bodyguards stepped up, brandishing their stakes the same way they had at the first group of vampires. "Stay back you undead scum!" Edgar cried.

"Was it you two?" Michael ignored his insult and rounded on the boy, "if you know anything you have to help us, we're only half vampire, is there any way to fix us we need to know."

"Why should I help you after what you did to mom!"

"I'm your brother, Sammy, please," only silence followed.

"I made sure mom was okay, she's fine, and I promise I will find a way to make it up to you and mom just help us... please."

Sam sighed.

"I wanna check on mom before I even think of talking to you."

"Then let's go home."

A/n I'm alive I swear! I know its a short chapter but I'm already working on the next one. I'm currently on holiday in Santa Cruz where Lost Boys was filmed so my motivation is way up. I've got plenty of ideas and notes on how I'm gonna wrap up the story and I promise none of our beloved boys are going to die. Everyone's support has meant to much to me and I really love you all!!! Hope you enjoyed the update.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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