Chapter Seventeen

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David placed a hand on Oswyn's chin, tilting her head up to meet his lips in a passionate kiss. Banishing all other thoughts or feelings from the atmosphere, both parties melted into the moment. The kiss was bruising; it knocked the air out of lungs, and weakened her knees. She somehow found herself leaning back against the railing, David leaning over her. The dynamic duo wolf-whistled and cat-called noticing the moment the couple was having but they were ignored. Instead Oswyn tangled her hands in David's hair and let the moment sweep away the pains her family had left her with.


The (ironically) heavenly kiss was cut short as David was yanked back so forcefully Oswyn stumbled forward in his grip.

"Where is she?" It was Michael, his eyes glazed over by rage.

David blew a stream of smoke in the brunette's face, "take it easy Michael, your sister's right here."

"I don't give a shit about her, where's Star, David?" His words were laced with venom as he held David's gaze. The vampire in question tensed at his words.

"That's a little harsh to say to your sister."

"She said it herself, you jackasses are her family now. Good luck dealing with that bitch." He didn't even bother to glance at the woman barely 3 feet away from him.

David, who was seething with quiet rage, grabbed the collar of his t-shirt. "If you ever wanna see Star again, you better come with us now."

Releasing Michael, he wrapped an arm around Oswyn's waist and steered her towards the bikes. The tightness of her muscles did not go unnoticed, but if she wasn't going to mention it, he would let her seethe quietly for the time being.


After an uncharacteristically quiet, and rather unenjoyable ride down the boardwalk and the beach, the group found themselves on a sand dune, overlooking a party. A bonfire was piled high, coughing smoke into the sky. The beach bums surrounding it danced drunkenly to "Walk This Way" by Run DMC, tripping over their own feet. Too bad that would be their last party.

David led Paul, Marko, and Dwayne into the bows of a low tree on top of the dune. It gave them a good vantage point to observe their next meal. Oswyn just leaned on a branch, making sure her back was turned to Michael who remaind on his bike. He was breathing heavily, eyes conveying a sort of harsh steely confidence, masking his fear and uncertainty.

"Michael, come on. You don't wanna miss this." David's voice had a teasing quality but it seemed far more forced than it had when first meeting the brunette. He reached out a gloved hand to beckon Michael before he buried it in his mate's hair as a form of comfort.

Steeling himself, Michael got off his bike and joined the group in the tree.

"Initiations over, Michael. Time to see what we're really like." David turned to the boy next to him, revealing his vampiric face. The rest of the group followed suit. Michael whipped his head around trying to take in all the horrifying, distorted faces around him. They were twisted and terrifying, overwhelming and overbearing. The whole atmosphere felt stifling, fast-paced, and it overpowered his senses until he caught sight of his sister's face and everything seemed to freeze. She wasn't looking at him or teasing him like the others were. Her gaze was focused on the boys dancing by the bonfire. It was an intent stare filled with a kind of ravenous hunger, almost lustful in intent. His sister was no longer human; she had truly become the monster he viewed her as.

Only a few moments later the sight became too much for him to bear and he turned back to David who was sporting a twisted, toothy smile. The smile suddenly turned into a grimace, laced with contempt and animosity toward the receiver. It was clear that none of the fondness or even friendship the boys may have harbord for one another was gone. It had disintegrated the second Michael made his opinions clear.

~Need You Tonight~ David x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ