Chapter Three

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"It's blood, Oswyn. Don't drink it." Star persisted. Oswyn looked up at her and spoke for the second time that night, come to think of it, the second time she spoke that week.

"I know." And she tipped her head back, letting the thick liquid run down her throat. It was salty, and metallic, and as it made its way into her system, she felt two presences leave her mind. They felt kind of sad, as they felt Oswyn's connection slip away. Yet as the two presences melted away, four more took their place. The boys looked at her, surprised, but they brushed it off and began cheering.


The next few hours were spent listening to music. Oswyn watched as the boys danced around, along with a severely woozy Michael. She found herself watching David intently. He had shed his jacket and she now had a view of his figure through his tight black clothes. He was undeniably hot, and she didn't resist when she found her eyes gravitating to his crotch. God damn. She relaxed and let her mind wander, something she rarely did. She was so zoned out, probably because of the weed, that she only noticed David had approached her until he sat down, hips brushing, and tossed his arm over her shoulder. Oswyn felt numbingly painful electricity flow through her body, emanating from the points where she and David touched. Instead of pulling away, she instinctively leaned into his touch and the pain grew so much that it simply numbed her pleasantly.

You knew you were drinking blood? David's familiar voice sounded out in her head. She wasn't surprised, but instead, responded the same way.

Phoenix has a couple vampires, wimpy ones, but vampires all the same. David seemed taken back.

You know we're vampires?

It's obvious to someone who knows everything about vampires. I was half before I even set foot in your cave.

Neither of them "said" anything, basking in the bewitching pain of each other's presence. Oswyn broke the mental silence, drawing both her and David's attention away from the dancing boys.

Why can't the other boys hear us?

A beat.

You know the answer to that, Oswyn. If you know as much about vampires as you say you do.

Another beat.

What about Star? The question was not founded in jealousy, but in curiosity over David and Star's relationship. Yet as she thought of the way Star clung to David on the back of his bike, she felt a jealous pang. It was unfamiliar, and she didn't like it.

I was lying to myself. You know it, I know it.

Why are we connected, David? She felt David sigh next to her, now realizing her head had slid down onto his chest.

I told you, you know why. Oswyn pulled her arms around herself, she wasn't used to this much physical contact.

I need to hear it... Neither of them "spoke" for a moment.

We're mates, Oswyn.

God, it sounds so stupid. She heard David chuckle inside her head, she loved his voice. She hated how much she loved his voice. I don't do romance, David.

It doesn't have to be romantic, Oswyn. But unless you want to be in pain every time we look at eachother... He trailed off. They both knew how vampires were supposed to bond in order to make the pain go away. Thinking it over, she wouldn't mind "bonding" with David. In fact, she thought she would enjoy it very much. Vampires, as a species, were very physical and although Oswyn didn't favour herself as a romantic person, she knew herself to be a highly sexual one. So when certain images of her and David "bonding" entered her mind, it took her a moment to realize she belonged to this family now. More specifically, she belonged to David and so she (begrudgingly) pushed the images out of her mind, in fear of the attractive man seeing what was inside her head.

She hadn't noticed it while daydreaming, but somehow she had shifted so that she was laying in David's lap, head resting on the armrest of the couch. David was surprisingly comfortable and Oswyn couldn't bring herself to stand up, instead slowly closing her eyes and snuggling into the vampire's arms.

Somewhere in the cave, another one of the boys mentioned it was an hour before sunrise.

"We'd better take them home." David said. Oswyn peeped open her eyes to see an inebriated Michael, leaning on Paul. She closed her eyes again as David stood up, carrying her through the cave bridal style. "We'll fly."

The summer breeze was warm, even high up in the sky. Even though David's undead hands were cold, she felt warm. The pain they both felt through their touch now only felt like a warm prickling, as they had endured it so long. She didn't remember anyone carrying her through the window. She didn't remember anyone removing her tank top and skirt. She didn't remember anyone tucking her under the covers. And she didn't remember anyone brushing their lips against her jaw, in their best attempt at a goodnight kiss.

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