Chapter Seven

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"Oswyn? Are you sleeping too? Why can't I open the door? I thought the house didn't have any locks." Sam yelled through the door. Sitting up, Oswyn opened her eyes, which teared up, unhappy with the copious amounts of sunlight. Several boxes had been pushed against the lockless door.

Leave it to David to keep people out of the room but not close the damn window!

She rolled onto her stomach, pressing her face into the pillow. The whole bed smelt of sweat, sex, and David. She couldn't describe how the smell made her feel. Cigarettes and blood, musk and something rotting. 


The sun set, the air cooled, and Oswyn awoke. She slid out of bed, and tugged on a new skirt and tank top. Boxes were still stacked against the door, which she moved, before crossing the hall to the bathroom. Her translucent reflection showed dark marks across her chest and neck. Deciding she didn't give too much of a damn, Oswyn slipped out the bathroom and down the stairs.

Sam, Michael, and their grandpa stood in the kitchen, too engrossed in conversation to hear her soft footsteps.

"Just off dropping some of my handiwork to the Widow Johnson." Grandpa said, rubbing windex on his face.

"Oh yeah what'd ya stuff for her, Mr. Johnson?" Michael snapped back. Seemed the vampire was kicking in. Oswyn observed as grandpa left and Sam turned to Michael, about to say something when his gaze landed on his sister.

"What the hell happened to you?" He gasped, making Michael turn around. The older twin's face twisted in disgust.

"I'm gonna murder David." He said, immediately, eyes boring into the marks on her bust.

I'd like to see you try, Mikey. She "said" to Michael, walking over to her younger brother, grabbing one of the sandwiches he just made while distracted by questioning who David was. Michael seemed taken aback by her sudden new ability to speak without moving her lips, but his attention was snatched once again by Sam.

Oswyn ignored her brothers' bickering and began to eat the sandwich, only just noticing how hungry she was. They were shut up suddenly as bright lights filtered through the kitchen windows. The light was accompanied by a loud revving noise—motorcycle engines. The boys had arrived.

Oswyn lifted a hand to shield her eyes, slightly annoyed, but also somewhat amused. An indistinct mumbling could be heard over the bikes. It slowly got clearer, until it was clear to all the siblings what was being said.

"Michael, Michael, Michael..." they continued, not bothering to throw in Oswyn's name, she had already joined them, in spirit at least.

Michael made his way to the door, reaching for the handle to see what was outside, as if he already didn't know. Sam tried to stop him, crying out a warning, but not succeeding. Michael threw open the door, and just as the lights appeared they disappeared. Evaporated into the night with nothing but a distinct, and unnerving echo. The boy slammed the door, locking it as if it would do anything to help keep out the vampires.

Oswyn rolled her eyes, stuffing the last of her sandwich in her mouth unceremoniously, chewing with her mouth open in an attempt to down the large wad of bread and meat. She swallowed with minor difficulty and made her way to the door. The boardwalk seemed inviting; even if David wasn't there, there were people to watch. It would indefinitely be more interesting than sticking around with her stupid brothers. Just as her fingers clasped around the lock, a strong hand snatched her wrist pulling her away from the door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Michael snapped. Oswyn just raised an eyebrow. "You can't go out there."

I can look after myself, Michael. She said. The brunette boy shook his head in slight bewilderment, still unsure of how he could hear her voice, but not see her lips move.

"I know you can, Oswyn. But you're not making the right decisions. Stay away from them, especially David." He spat out the man's name with pure malice. He found himself being manipulated by him, but seeing his sister get "reeled in" made his blood boil.

Need I mention Star, lover boy? A subtle smirk graced her usually apathetic face, before she snatched her arm back and headed upstairs. When she reached her room, she eyed the open window, debating leaving that way. In the end, she decided to humor her brother, for at least some of the night.

Oswyn picked up a book, as her eyes began scanning the page, not really taking in the words. Realizing that she wasn't able to pay attention, she dropped the book and headed downstairs. 

~Need You Tonight~ David x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang