Rosa Diaz II

928 19 5

Word count: 562

"Babe! Where are my keys?"

I look up from my book as Rosa storms into the kitchen. I shrug and turn the page.

"where are they usually?"

"in my pocket."

"are they in your pocket?"

"no, I'm not dumb, love. Help me look for them, I'm already ten minutes late."

Rosa groans, shifting a pile of my books off the counter.
I watch her search for a couple more minutes before going back to reading.

"try the top of the fridge, Rose."

I tell her, pointing. She looks quickly and finds them.

"thanks babe."

She kisses me quickly and runs out the door, later than usual.

Chuckling to myself, I put down my book and clean up a bit before heading off to work myself.
I work as a crime journalist for a small newspaper company in new york, writing things from bank fraud to homocide and everything in between.
Rosa and I met through our jobs. I was researching a large scale theft at a jewelers.

I grab my bag and leave, locking the door behind me. Walking out of our building, I shiver at the cold. Rounding the corner, I bump straight into a tall man clad in black.

"oh, sorry."

I say, smiling up at him. The next thing I know, there's a bag over my face and my arms are pinned behind my back.
I'm pushed into the back of a van and grabbed by another pair of arms.
My panic makes me freeze just long enough for them to shut the door and knock me out.

I wake up in a warehouse, my head throbbing in pain with no sense on time or direction. I blink at the light streaming into my face from a high up window and try to make sense of stuff.

My hands are tied tightly behind my back, my phone, keys and wallet gone from my pockets. I'm in a large empty room.

I sit thinking about my options and slowly trying to loosen my hands for who knows how long, when the door on the far end of the room opens, a small man and two big walk in. They come over to me, keeping some distance as if I have some kind of contagious disease.
I try to keep my face neutral as the little man surveys me like I'm an new interesting specimen for him to study. He holds up a photo of me walking Arlo, taken at a creepy stalker angle,

"this you?"

I shrug.


He ignores me and keeps talking.

"partner to Rosa Diaz?"

I just shrug again.

He punches me hard in the face and I feel something snap, but the pain is so strong I don't know if its my cheekbone my jaw. I shout in out in pain and swear through my gritted teeth.

"I don't think you've got the right person, dude."

I mumble, blinking away tears.


He says, putting his hand under my chin and yanking my face up to look at him, doubling the pain and sends stars dancing in front of my eyes.


He repeats.

"I know for a fact you are the right one."

I roll my eyes and spit blood in his face, most of it just dribbling down my chin.

Let me know what you think, alone with any other suggestion you might have :)
Also thank you for all of the reads.

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