Markiplier requested

197 6 5

Requested by FlowersTasteBad

Words: 596

I swear quietly as I open the back door and see the snow. Ollie runs out, excited, and doesn't even notice the snow until he's a good few metres away. He refuses to move when I call for him, forcing me to go out to get him, barefoot, because I obviously couldn't be bothered to put on shoes for literally thirty seconds. It's up to my shins as I go to get the stupid puppy, who's whimpering and shaking dramatically from the cold. 

I shut the door behind me with my foot,    Chica looks up at me expectantly as I stand there, holding a snow-covered Ollie at arms length. I put him on the ground and squeezed past Chica to grab a towel out of the hot water cupboard. I dry off my legs and then drape the towel over Ollie, giving him a quick dry as well. 

Mark's still asleep as I go back into our room. I pull off my pyjama pants, soaked from the snow, and get back into bed.

Mark wakes with a start, shrieking when I press my cold feet to his legs. 

"what the actual fuck would you do that for"

he gasps, pushing me away from him. I grin at him. 

"I thought you'd want to know what the weather's doing"

he pushes his hot water bottle into my arms and begrudgingly wraps me in a hug.

"do not put your feet on me."

"of course not."

he sighs, his breath tickling my neck. He kisses me softly.

"y'want to get up?"


I kiss him again, putting my cold hand under his shirt.

We nap for awhile before one of the dogs pushes the door open and Chica jumps up on the bed and flops down right between us, looking proud of herself. I chuckle and rub her ears as Ollie whines, sitting on the floor, still too small to jump up by himself. Mark sits up and stretches before leaning over the side of the bed to pick him up. Ollie manages to get under the covers, still a bit cold and damp from his earlier escapade in the snow. 

"Okay, that's enough."

 I pull him out and get up, being careful not to disturb Chica. Ollie wiggles out of my arms and walks over Chica to get to Mark. 

"I'm having a shower. Want to join?"

"Yeah, may as well."

I go turn the shower on, waiting for it to heat up before I pull off my clothes and get in, washing my hair as Mark opens the door.

"No, Ollie, go away."
He says, pushing the puppy back out of the bathroom. I wipe the soap out of my eyes and watch as Mark pulls off his shirt.

I put on the jug for a cup of tea and watch as Mark struggles a bit.

"You alright there?"

"Yeah, all good."

I make my tea and a coffee for him and then sit on the counter, checking him out over my mug. 

"Oi Fischbach."


"Your ass is showing."


"Are we going to walk the dogs this morning?"

"Yeah, sure, I don't see why we can't."


He gets the heater going and steps over Ollie to come sit by me. We watch Ollie annoy the shit out of Chica, who's just trying to lie in front of the heater.

"I'll get dressed, and then we'll go."

"Okay, sounds good."

I get Chica and Ollie's leashes. They get excited when they see them.

Ollie spins circles, barking. I clip him and Chica in.

"All right, let's go."

We put on our coats and shoes and go out the front door. Straight away, Ollie seems less than enthusiastic. I hold the leashes with one hand and tuck my other one into Mark's pocket. 

He laces our fingers and frowns at the snow all over our driveway. 

"I'll have to shovel that later, eh?"

"Nah, I can do it."

"50 - 50?"


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