Harry Styles, Masculine Reader

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In this one shot you have a kid with Harry Styles.

Word count: 420

I wake up to a little someone squirming around, kicking me in the back. I turn over and pull the small wiggling toddler into my arms and tickle until Freddie worms his way free, giggling blissfully. He manages to pull himself up over the covers onto our bed.
Chuckling, Harry sits up and Fred sits in his lap, sucking his thumb and still giggling. Harry kisses his soft curls and sighs contently, rubbing Freddie's back. I smile tiredly at the both of them. I then get up and kiss Harry quickly before going to the bathroom.

When I get back, Fred is fast asleep, leaning comfortably against Harry's chest, (his thumb still in his mouth) Harry himself in an awkward half cross-legged sitting position with his arms around our kid.
Quietly, Harry tries to pass him to me without disturbing him but accidentally wakes Freddie up, who pulls his thumb out of his mouth and looks up at me, bleary-eyed. He stretches big and satisfying, pushing against Harry before crawling across the bed and into my arms.
I kiss his head, breathing in his lovely baby smell, going to walk down the hallway back to Fred's room but he protests sleepily.

"no, papa, no. Big bed."

I roll my eyes and give in without a fight. Just this once, I tell myself. Walking back to Harry and my room, I look at my alarm and see that it is infact 2 am ish.

Tiredly I carefully dump Freddie back to Harry who tucks him in beside him in the middle of me and him.

"turn out that damn light, Styles."

I tell him, getting into bed and pulling the covers up over me after putting on my shirt, having been feeling quite cold. Freddie cuddles up to Harry, holding onto his shirt, his thumb back in his mouth.

"ask nicely."


"sure thing, love."

He turns off the light, finally, after making sure Fred's comfortable.

I don't know when Harry moved Fred to his other side but when I wake up next, soft early morning light coming from under the curtains, Harry's snoring quietly in my ear, his arm over my shoulder.
I move a little to get into a better position and put my hand on his waist under his shirt and kiss him softly on his forehead.

"god you're beautiful."

I tell him, who obviously doesn't hear me, being asleep and all.

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