Kingo 'Eternals'

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No spoilers, I promise.
You should definitely go watch the movie if you haven't already seen it though.

Word count: 357

I'm walking quite quickly over towards Ajak when Kingo steps up beside me, easily keeping up.

"are you almost done?"

Kingo puts his hand on my arm, stopping me from walking any further.

"uh, yeah I think so. Why?"

"would you maybe want to hang out?"

I shrug and grin at him.


He smiles back, his hand still on my arm. I move my hand in such a way that he gets the hint and just holds my hand.
I watch him watching the sunset, his eyes soft and beautiful.
(don't come for me, that's the only way I could think to describe themfkdifdi)

Kingo notices me looking at him and raises and eyebrow, smirking.

"what, am I really that good looking?"

"you wish."

I tell him before turning back towards Makkari who smirks and rolls her eyes at me.

"give me a minute and I'll meet you back here."

I tell Kingo as I spot Ajak and Ikaris looking impatiently our way.

I give him a quick kiss and make my way over grinning sheepishly.

"you should be more professional here."

Ikaris says as soon as I'm within earshot

"oh, like you can bloody talk, Mr 'I am very beautiful'"
(movie reference, really nothing important at all)

He turns a deep shade of red and turns away.

"what I thought."

Ajak just smiles in her usual motherly way and ushers us away from everyone to talk.

Its dark by the time Ajak is done with us, Ikaris and I walking side by side over to the largest campfire where Sersi, Kingo, Sprite, Phastos, Gilgamesh and Thena are sitting, sharing food.

I sit close to Kingo, getting colder by the second in the open air.

I turn to find where Makkari and Druig are.
They're sitting by themselves next to a smaller fire, I watch as Druig signs to Makkari before he notices and shouts at me to fuck off.

I roll my eyes and lean my head against Kingo's shoulder, his arm around me as we listen to what Phastos has to say about how we're doing.
After awhile, Kingo nudges me and nods towards Gilgamesh who's made to mistake of falling asleep in the presence of Sprite.

"d'you want to get out of here?"

Kingo asks, smirking at me.

I grin back.

"sure, let's go."

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