Draco Malfoy

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Word count: 1145

(fifth year)

We're in herbology when I look at him again.
He's swearing at the little plant in his hand, sucking his finger where it had bitten him.
I can't help but chuckle fondly to myself as I watch his light hair fall in front of his eyes.
He hears me and snaps his head up, his ears tinged pink.
"what are you looking at?"
He asks, dropping the plant onto the table.
I smirk at him.
"you, obviously."
He winks back before turning away to write something in his textbook. I lean over his shoulder to read what he's written.
'the harplillie snap-seed is a violent and evil plant that will take every opportunity to attack.'
I read.
"don't belive me?"
"not really, Malfoy."
"I'll prove it."
Draco scoops up the snap-seed and drops it into my hands, his fingers brushing against my skin, making my heart flutter. The plant curls up in my palms and seems to pur.
Draco just shakes his head and walks away.
I stand there for a bit longer, looking at the cuddly plant before Proffesser Sprout comes over and reminds me about my work.
("you're supposed to be helping them to teeth, not rocking them to sleep!")

At the end of class, Sprout hands out homework and makes us chose partners to work with. I was going to chose one of my other friends but Draco says loudly,
"I'll have you then, Y/n."
I roll my eyes at him, secretly a lot more pleased then I let him see.
We walk out of class together and into the Great Hall for lunch.
Draco makes sure I'm sitting beside him and then moves a few dishes of food out of the way so that he can put his parchment on the table in front of us.
"so what are we going to focus on then?"
I ask, leaning over him for a sandwich.
"I was thinking that we could do uncommon types of plants in potions?"
I nod.
Draco looks at me and I feel my face heat up.
"just okay? No feed back? No add ons?"
I pretend to think for a moment before replying.
"We could do rare plants as well?"

"what, don't you like my idea? hmm?"

I ignore him and go back to my food.

After we've eaten, Draco drags me to the library for a bit until he gets sick of me complaining about the heat so we go and sit by the lake, teasing the giant squid by throwing pebbles into the water.

I lean on my elbows, watching his face.
"they mate for life, you know."
He says, nodding at the squid. I raise an eyebrow, shielding my eyes from the sun.
He stands up. I look up at him from my seat in the grass. He looks so pretty.
"I don't know about you,"
He says, pulling me up,
"but I'm too hot to just be sitting here."
With that, he takes off his shoes and socks, rolls up his trousers and wades into the water.
I quickly chuck my shoes to the side and tuck my socks into them before chasing after him accidentally slipping on a rock and almost pulling us both into the water.
"Jeez, slow down you egg."
He says, holding onto me to regain his balance.
"sorry, accidents happen."
I am painfully aware of his grip on my arm before bending down and scooping a handful of water into his face.
I quickly step back out of his reach and watch him gasp and blink water out of his eyes.
When he's done overreacting, he pushes his wet hair off his face and looks at me, grinning.
I smile sweetly at him.

"don't know what you're talking about."

He shrugs and just stands there, looking at me.
I tense, expecting the worst.
He moves quick, shoving me into the water, somehow avoiding getting wet himself.
I swear at him and spit out a mouthful of water.
"Draco, you dick! We have class after this."
He scoffs.
"it's only history. Ditch with me."
I shrug.
We're not doing anything in class at the moment anyway.
He grins at me.
"I honestly didn't think that it would be that easy to persuade you."
"you're welcome."
I wink at him as I sit in the water, fiddling with a rock.
Draco seems to realise that I'm not getting up so he sits down too, getting his clothes soaked.
"so what now?"
He asks, floating his hands on the surface of the water.
"we could go to class?"
He shakes his head.
"nope that's not an option."
"okay then. I've got nothing."
I drop my stone and lean back into the current, letting the cool water calm my racing heart and hot face. Draco and I have been friends for ages but only in the past few months had I started to develop further feelings for him.

Draco moves himself over so he can look at my face.
"you okay?"
He asks, poking my cheek.
I nod and smile at him, his eyes shining in the sun.
"you really need to get out more."
I tell him, touching his face.
"you're so pale."
He grins but doesn't say anything.
Trying to be casual, I pass my thumb over his lips, my heart jolting at how soft they are.
I look back into his beautiful eyes and try to act like I didn't do something I'd been wanting to do for ages.
He been calmer recently.
The stress of his parents had been taken away for the time being and that, I know, helps him sleep. He talks more and trys to be involved with things too.
I look at the small scar above his eyebrow, where in charms I had accidentally sent a book spinning across the class, right into his face.
He refused to go to the nurse for such a minor cut, and with his pale complexion, it scarred quite visibly.
I run my finger over it.
Draco seems to lean into my touch, making me more confident.
I sit up straight, both of us suddenly quite serious, and cup his face, rubbing water droplets from his skin. I trace his jawline, my heart racing again at our close proximity and about how he's letting me touch him. I touch his pale throat with my thumb and feel him swallow.

Without completely knowing what I'm doing, I lean forward and press my lips against his.
I feel him kiss back instantly but I still pull away, worried that I'd done something to ruin our friendship, but he doesn't seem upset, in fact, he kisses me again, this time longer.
My heart hammers against my chest so loudly that I'm sure he heard it.

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