Jack Sparrow III requested

356 13 3

This is for @ash_fluffy_teddy

Word count: 932

I'm on my ship, minding my own business, playing cards with a crew mate, Pepper, when I feel Jack come up behind me. He leans down to look at my cards and puts his head on my shoulder, his hands on my waist.
"um, 'scuse me here, Captain."


Jack asks, turning his face into my neck.

"the only time you call me captain and I'm offended."

I can't help but lean back on him a bit while he studies my hand. (of cards)

I blush as Pepper raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug and stand up, surprising Jack who had gotten quite into the game.

"the moneys yours."

I tell Pepper before turning to Jack.

"a word in private, Cap'n?"

"but of course, my dear."

He says in his beautiful smooth voice, gesturing towards his private room.

As soon as the door closes behind us, I sigh.

"c'mon Jack, you can't leave me alone for even a second."


He says, sounding slightly hurt.

I sigh.

"come here, love. I didn't mean it like that. I just want to be able to win my own game for once."

He comes and stands in front of me, only a few inches away.

"but you're horrible at that game."

I roll my eyes at him.

"we should go."

Jack nods and kisses me quickly.


Someone shouts.

"bloody hell."

Jack grumbles, turning to look at his first mate.


The woman, Claire, has the courtesy to look embarrassed.

"Well, there's another ship, following us."

Jack rolls his eyes and follows Claire onto the deck to look for himself.


Jack says, looking at the rapidly gaining ship.
I throw my arm around Jack's shoulders and laugh at him.


Jack shouts wildly.

"are we under attack, captain?"

Claire asks worriedly, studying the flag.


He breaths, realising he's too late.

"it's his mother."

I explain, patting Jack's back as he leans, defeated, onto my shoulder.


We all (except Jack) look up to see the ship pulling up beside us, a pirate clad in dirty leather holding onto the rigging as her ship drew closer.
Jack sighs and stands up straight.

"mum! How lovely to see you!"

"oh, look at you, my ugly boy! Come give your mother a hug."

Jack grabs me by the shirt, dragging me with him as he makes his way over to her.
Captain Sparrow squeezes her son tightly, staring over his shoulder at me, curiously.

"and who's this?"

She asks, still staring at me.

"oh, well, this is my partner."

"what, like you work together?"

"erm no not quite. We ar-"


"you could say that."

I smile at Captain Sparrow as Jack pulls out of her grip and comes to stand beside me, shoulder to shoulder, rubbing his ribs. 

"nice to meet you, Captain."

"and you, my dear! And here I was thought that Jack would grow old, lonely and sad."

Jack frowns.


"what? I was just sayin.."

Claire takes Captain Sparrow away by the elbow, probably to give her a tour of the ship. The rest of her crew follow, making themselves at home on the deck of the 'Black Pearl'.

"should have made the most of the time we had."

Jack whispers in my ear as he watches his mother inspect our sleeping quarters.
I nudge him in the ribs and kiss his cheek before going to talk to Pepper.
I help make preparations for dinner as Jack sits watching, slowly getting drunker and drunker as he's given alcohol. He winks at me when we make eye contact. I go over and sit beside him, taking the bottle that he passes to me. We listen to Jack's mother tell a story about him as a child.

"he was always getting into mischief, like this one time, when he was 6, I was making an offer to a government official and Jack runs into the room, as naked as the day he was born - in the middle of a typhoon I might add - brandishing my best sword, scaring the poor old fool out of his skin!"

I grin at Jack and he just rolls his eyes.

"she forgot to say that I was covered in pig shit."

I laugh.

"I'm not even going to ask why."

Jack smirks and shuffles over, closing the gap between us.

I interlock our fingers and smile softly at him.

"I hope my mother didn't scare you."

Jack says, tracing along the backs of my fingers.

"a little bit, but she still seems nice."

I take a sip from the bottle, it burning down my throat.

"may I, erm, kiss you?"

Jack asks, his ears going red.

"I know that you don't always enjoy my affection.."

"I don't not like your affection, Jack. You can just be, well, distracting is all."

"in that case."

Jack says.

"may I distract you some more?"

he looks at me in what I think is meant to be a flirtatious way.

I chuckle.

"Yeah, course, you silly old drunk."

Jack kisses me softly, pulling away as soon as someone notices and wolf whistles, turning and gesturing rudely at them.
I roll my eyes and lean into Jack, him wrapping his arms around me, occasionally lifting one to take a swig of rum.

" hey, Jack? "

" hmm?"

"I love you."

"love you too, darling."

Ew soppy ending sorry sorry.
Also yes, I know that Jack's mum is dead but not in this story. :)

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