Harry Styles requested

76 1 1

word count: 665

requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva 

I'm just turning the corner back home from my walk when I see Louis' car in the driveway. I grin and start walking quicker, he (my brother) hasn't been home in weeks! I wonder if he's brought the others with him, last time having promised me I'd get to meet his friends. I get inside and the door accidentally slams behind me from the wind. I let the dog off the leash and follow the noise into the lounge, Louis sitting on the couch with his friends, trying to choose a movie to watch.

"look who it is!" 

Louis stands up and pulls me into a tight hug, before draping an arm over my shoulder and turning to face his friends. 

"Boys, this is my mother's favourite." 

 They smile and nod at me kindly, most of them just glancing at me briefly, but my stomach flips when I make eye contact with Harry. He's always been my favourite of Louis's friends, even without ever having met him before. 

"How old are you?"

Harry asks, dropping a DVD to the floor.


He nods, seeming to think about it.  

I pretty quickly excuse myself and go up to my room, feeling a bit weird hanging out with Louis and his friends. I don't want to impose, and it's a bit weird with them being just that little bit older than me. It's just enough to make it awkward. 

I sit in my room for a while, just watching a tv show when someone knocks on my door. 

'yeah, what's up?"

I ask, a bit rudely, expecting it to be Louis.  

Harry opens the door and I am instantly painfully aware of the underwear on my floor. 


he says with a pretty smile

"I can't find the bathroom."

I feel my face heat up. 

"uh, next door over."


and he's gone. 

I stare at the spot where he was for a second, then go back to my show. What a gorgeous face he has. 

I stay in my room until I hear the boys leaving, not wanting to make anything awkward. 

I head to the kitchen, the dog following close behind, hoping to get a treat. I make a quick sandwich before going to the lounge, stopping in the doorway when I see Harry still sitting in the same spot from before, Louis on the couch. 

"Hey, you coming to join us?" 

Louis asks, patting the seat next to him 

"Sure, if I'm not interrupting anything."

"of course not."

I sit down between them and we just sit and watch for a while when Louis starts to yawn. He stands up and stretches. 


he says, looking between Harry and I, smirking a little. 

"I'm off to bed."


I say, trying to stay calm. 

The dim glow of the TV reflects in Harry's eyes, as I watch him more than I watch the screen, his soft, sleepy expression melting my heart. He stretches a little, his knee bumping into mine. 


He says, turning to me, as the movie credits start to roll.

"How was your day?" 

I feel myself go red under his gaze and tell him. It's nothing interesting, just waled the dog and did some homework. He tells me about his, and I'm surprised he's managing to stay awake. Big long day on the plane, a six hour layover, and now, at eleven pm, still sitting here, making a massive effort to say awake, just to talk to me. He tells me about the tour, about the stupid things Louis did, drinking too much before shows, and having to be pulled on stage with massive hangovers, stuff like that. 

"I wanted to talk to you, actually, y/n. I was wondering.. if you wanted to like, hang out at some point? "

I watch him blush a little, looking into my eyes.

"like.. a date?" 

My can heart my heartbeat in my ears as he nods, smiling shyly.

"yeah, that'd be cool."

I smile back and we sit together in the dim room, smiling at each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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