Timothee Chalamet

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Word count: 1043

17 yrs of age

".....we've got bio next."
I say to my best friend who groans and flops down on the grass.

"why do I even bother coming to school?"
He asks, pulling his phone out of his bag.

"to see me."
I say, winking at him.
He blows a kiss back.

"anyway, bio isn't that bad."

He scoffs.
"you just like it because you get to start at little Timmy."

I gasp as if offended.

"how dare you. We both know it's not Timothee that I stare at, but beautiful Ms Wilson."

We laugh.
Ms Wilson is our science teacher. She's nice enough, just- not a good teacher.

"But for real, Tim and I are chill, we walk home together all the time."

He rolls his eyes and stands up as the bell rings for the next period.

Once in class, I go and sit beside my friend and lab partner, Sam.
Sam takes notes as I mostly just sit there, looking over at Tim occasionally, accidentally making eye contact with him.

He smiles.
I smile back and look away.
Sam elbows me in the ribs.

"are you paying attention?"

I nod at her.

"Yes, definitely."

She sighs and goes back to the work.
I glance at Tim again before turning back to help Sam.

I spend the rest of the period copying down the names of stupid bones and watching the clock.

When the bell finally does ring, Tim comes over as I'm packing up.

He says, his voice pretty and soft.

I smile at him.

"You ready?"
He asks casually. 

I nod and pick up my bag.
"Yeah, one sec."

I  grin widely at him before stopping suddenly, worried about how crazy i must look.

we walk up the street and down a small trail through the trees around the back of the school.
We've walked for a few minutes when I stop and walk off to the side of the track to our sesh spot.

When we get to the clearing, I sit down on the grass in the warm sun and dump my bag to the side. He does the same.
We sit in silence for a few minutes until I light a cigarette, offering it to him.

He takes a deep drag, lying back onto the grass, his head resting on his bag.


He says, handing the cigarette back to me.

Timothee tilts his head to look at me and fiddles with a piece of grass.

"How are you finding that shit in biology?"

He asks.
I watch him blow a smoke ring as I answer.

"Yeah, not great but thats my fault really."

He nods and runs his fingers through his dark curly hair.
I cant help but stare a little.

"are you free tonight?"

I ask suddenly, looking at a bird flying overhead, trying to avoid making eye contact.

"yeah. Why?"

"Do you want to smoke?" 

"cool. Meet you here like 9ish?"

"will do."

We finish the cigarette and part ways where the trail forked off into two separate tracks.

I walk home slowly, stopping at the door to greet my dog.

I have a snack and then literally just nap and go on my phone til dinner, then go to bed early, sneaking out as soon as I hear my parents go to bed. (They're old they sleep at like 8:30 it's crazy)

I climb out of my window and jump the fence as quietly as possible, trying not to wake the dog.
I succeed and sprint down the path, holding a torch in front of me.
I'm looking at my feet, trying to make sure I don't trip over anything when I smash into someone. Namely, Timothee.
We hit the ground, him getting the worst of it because I fall on top of him.

"Shit! sorry Tim, are you okay?"

I ask him, pulling him to his feet.
He rubs his arm.

"Yeah all good.

I say again, keeping my hand lightly on his shoulder.
He shrugs and grins lazily at me before leading the way down the path towards the spot.

"all good."

He throws a bag of chips at me and I open them. He scoots closer and takes the bag off of me.
We sit with our shoulders touching.

He then reaches into his bag, which I hadn't noticed and takes out a water bottle.
He opens the cap and takes a sip before handing it to me.
I brace myself for the taste and take a sip, knowing it's definitely not water, willing myself not to cough. Fortunately, I don't. (Its gin, which is gross)

We sit in silence as I pull out some papers and start to roll a joint, Tim watching me.

"sooo, what'd you get on that English test?"

I ask Timothee.
He shrugs, drinking from his water bottle.

"I've got a speaker in my bag, if you want to put music on."

He says, changing the subject.
I grin awkwardly and search through his bag to find it.
Connecting it to my phone, I chuck on our blend playlist.

I finish rolling the joint and offer it to him to light. He does, blowing smoke into the air.

"I'm going to tell you something."

He says, sounding a bit nervous.



He turns to look at me properly.

"I really like you."

I stare at him. 


He smiles, embarrassed and hands me the joint.

"Yeah, really."

I smile back, looking at his face.

"I like you too."

He grins and looks up at the sky.
I can't stop staring.

I take a drag of the joint before handing it back, still staring.

"Would you want to hang out properly? Like a date?"

I ask, looking at the little curls of hair falling over his face.

He turns and looks at me properly, smiling.

"Yeah, that'd be really cool."

We fall into a nice silence, listening to the birds and shit until he talks again.

"Do you- do you want to make out?"

I feel my ears go a little red as I nod.
As he leans forward, I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him close and kissing him softly.

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