Wade Kinsella requested

203 5 0

Sorry its a bit short. Requested by KellyMaslow87

Word count: 283


"yeah, darlin?"

"I'm bored as hell."

"same here."

"what do you want to do, then?"

"I have no idea."

"should we go for a walk?"

"maybe. Video games?"


"video games and then walk."

"walk and then video games."

"alright. You're going to have to let me get up though."


I sit up off Wade's lap and stretch before going to put a jersey and some shoes on.

"oi, y/n."


"it's raining."

"like I care."

I say, coming out of our room, stopping at the front door to tie my shoelaces.

"it's only a little bit of water."

I kiss him on the cheek and pull him outside. He interlocks our fingers and we start off down the street. I underestimated how bad the rain was going to be and by the time we're halfway down the street, we are already soaked.

" you and your stupid ideas!"

Wade shouts over the wind.

"how was I supposed to know it was going to be this bad?"

Wade shrugs and we quickly turn around and go home.

Once safely inside, Wade takes off his soaked shirt and pulls me into a hug.

I sigh and hug him back for a second before pushing him towards the shower before he starts complaining about how cold he is.

"care to join me?"

He asks, trying to look seductive, leaning in the doorway. He does look quite cute, water droplets through his hair and on his face. I smirk and close the door on him.

"don't use up all the hot water."

"whatever. You're no fun."

I just chuckle to myself and turn on the video game console.

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