Tony Stark

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I rub my hand across my forehead, wiping sweat away as I stand up straight to stretch my back.

"you've got grease on your face."

Tony says, walking past, his arms full of spare parts.

"you've got it all over yourself."

Tony pulls a face and rubs his hands down his shirt, leaving long dark stains.

I go back to my work, picking up tools and cleaning up as Tony hums to himself across the room.

"what do you want to do after this?"

I ask, wiping down the bench.

"what about we fuck?"

"no. I'm going to have a nap."

"damn spoilsport."


I finish up before quickly changing out of my filthy shirt and then I walk upstairs and go into the kitchen.
I stare at all the dirty dishes for a moment before turning around and walking out.
I go to our room and pull off my shoes before getting under the covers and falling asleep almost instantly. Last night Tony's anxiety and stress where really bad so neither of us slept very much.
I wake up a little when I feel Tony get into bed beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I turn over, resting my head on his chest, breathing in the familiar smell of grease and axe body spray.

"chill out with the damn deodorant for once."

I tell him, poking him in the ribs.

Tony only grunts in response and slaps my hand away. I kiss his collarbone and rest my hand on his waist under his shirt.
We doze for awhile before f.r.i.d.a.y announces that someone's at the door.

"Jesus Mary and Joseph."

Tony grumbles, dramatically shoving the covers off himself and pushing me away.


I get up too, pulling on some basketball shorts and a clean (ish) tshirt.

Following Tony out of our room, I take the opportunity to smack his ass.

"the fuck was that for?"

He asks, looking at me dejectedly. I shrug and kiss his cheek before walking past him down the stairs, keeping out of arms reach as I step in front of him.

I go to the kitchen and make myself a coffee as he opens the door.


He snaps.

"piss off."

I roll my eyes as he slams the door and storms into the kitchen.

"who was it, love?"

I ask, hiding my smile behind my cup.


"Nick Fury?"


"you know he's not going to leave, eh."


Nick Fury knocks again.

I raise an eyebrow at Tony.

"I'll get it."

I say, going into the next room and opening the door.


Nick sighs and nods at me.

"we need Tony's help."

"what with?"


I roll my eyes at him.

"of course. He's not going to help you. You must have known that before you even got here."

"yeah, well, I thought I'd better try anyway."

I nod at him and wave goodbye at him as he turns away.

"see you round, Nick."

"yeah whatever, fucker."

I close the door and frown as I walk back into the kitchen, Tony sitting on the counter drinking my coffee.
I walk over to him and kiss him, carefully taking my cup back.

"make your own."

I say.

He sighs and kisses me again.

"and why would I do that?"

"because you're not drinking mine. I made you tea."

"I don't want damn tea."


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