Rosa Diaz II Pt 2 requested

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Here is the requested part 2 of the 2nd Rosa Diaz one shot.

Requested by @ItsDevilQueeen

Word count: 1038

I instantly regret spitting when the small man backhands me across the other side of my face.
After the pain dies down a bit, I notice that he has my phone and is recording me.

"first of all, that was gross. Secondly, say hello to Rosa."

He smirks at me and I smile back painfully, spitting another mouthful of blood onto the ground.

"you could have at least let me look in a mirror first."

The guy rolls his eyes and ends the video, bringing my phone over to me.

"so what's the pin number?"

He asks, his face quiet close to mine.



Rosa's pov

I look at my phone again and swear when I don't see a response.

"heyyy Rosa.. What's going on? You seem more angry then usual."

Amy asks, standing in front of my desk, holding on tightly to a binder.

"y/n hasn't replied to me."

"isn't that normal?"

"Well, yeah but today it's different."

"how is it dif-"

My phone dings and I immediately grab it and sigh with relief when I see that the message is from y/n.
I open it and find that it's a video, so I turn up my sound and press play.

Your pov


I say, kicking my foot at the concrete floor and look over at the guy who is sitting on the ground a few metres away.

"are we just going to sit here until she comes to get me?"

"I mean, yeah, probably. I hadn't really thought this far through."

He waves at the two other men as they walk out before looking at his watch.

"where are they going?"

I ask, watching them suspiciously.

"I paid them to look scary for like, 3 hours."

"boring. So what's this actually about?"


He says, sitting up straight.

"Rosa was my girlfriend and I don't like how you think that you can just step in and take her away from me like that."

"oh shit, you're Mike."

"damn right I am."

"this is low even for you, Mike."

Mike stands up and grins, pulling out a gun. I lean back in the chair and shake my head.

"oh no, Mike, I really don't think that you want to be charged with murder."

"jokes on you I already have been. Double homicide. A really scetchy case that Rose investigated. Her case. Which means that she'll interrogate me and then visit me in prison to ask more questions. After she catches me, of course. "

"questions about what? You laid everything out in front of us."

"oh, sorry. Ask me more questions about your death. Your last words, blah blah blah, and then I'll win her over. Again."

I have to cough to hide a laugh as I listen to him talk, sounding so sure of himself.

"I'm starting to get bored."

He says, checking his watch again. I just nod, not wanting to make him angry.

"she'll bust in all scary-like, you know."


"she's going to kick your ass."

"oh god I hope so."

"you are so twisted."

Mike just winks at me before turning away, mumbling something about leaving scars.

Rosa's pov

My hands shake furiously as I shove another gun into my belt, turning on my heel as Captain Holt comes into the room.
He nods and stands aside to let me walk past him.

"listen up, everyone. Detective Diaz here will lead us in to find suspect and hopefully the hostage. If something should go wrong, we have a S.W.A.T team on standby. I will-"

I don't hear what the captain's going to do because I'm already outside, on my bike, going to the address Mike gave me.

Your pov

I watch Mike jealously as he takes another bite of his burrito, my stomach rumbling.

" are you hungry, loser? What a shame. Honestly, I feel like I should just kill you now, save me having to watch Rosa struggle with all the grief and self hate later."

I roll my eyes at him, hoping that Rosa gets here before he does actually try to kill me.

"she's going to feel that shit either way, you know."

I wonder if she's okay mentally with all this stuff going on. No doubt she'll have had a panic attack or two. (not just because of me, also because of all the stress and pressure being put on her.)

"yeah, sure. Whatever. Hey, do you want the rest of this?"

He says, holding up his half eaten food. I'm contemplating saying yes because I am literally that hungry, when he dumps it on the floor and stands up, stretching.

"how long have we been here for? This is so boringgg."

Mike looks at his watch and groans.

"5 hours of just sitting here with you."

"yeah, what's with that? When did you send that video?"

"only about an hour ago."

"fuck you, dude."

"oh, wait, speaking of which, you need to be in worse shape than this so Rosie knows you suffered."

I frown at him.

"for real? I thought we were cool."

"yeah, nah. Rosa means way too much to me to ever be 'cool' with someone like you."

"someone like me?? What kind of an insult is that?"

"a good one."


"now, I'm sorry about this, but it has to be done. Rosa should be here soon."

Mike pulls out his gun again and before I can say another word, he shoots me just below my right ribs, (luckily through only muscle, skin and fat,) at a point blank range.

I yell out in pain as blood flows out of me like I'm a fricken tap.

"what the fuck, Mike?"

I blink past the tears and see that he's smiling manically down at me.


He whispers, frowning. He bends down closer to me to see the wound better.

"that didn't feel as good as hitting you with my hand."

He puts his hand in/on all the blood on my stomach, making my brain almost explode in agony.


Is all I manage to say before blacking out from the sheer excruciating pain.

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