Adrian Pimento requested

232 3 3

Requested by Wolfsrahne

Word count: 450

I lay down on the couch, resting my head in Adrian's lap as he stares off into space.

"what do you feel like eating, love?"

I ask him, running my hand through his wild curls.





I sigh and sit up.

"hey, hey what gives?"


"what'd you move for?"

"to make food."

"to hell with food."

Adrian kisses me as I lay back down before tracing his fingers over my skin and drifting off into space again, absent mindedly rubbing his thumb over my cheek. I hold his hand, turning it over to kiss it, being wary of a little cat scratch that he got trying to be nice to our dumb neighbour's dumb cat, Sherpa.
Anyway, Adrian's not long been undercover again, this time just in a small time gang, thank goodness, but I'm pretty sure it's brought back a lot of memories that he didn't want to have to think about ever again.


"yeah, gorgeous?"

"I'm not actually all that hungry."

"neither am I, honestly."


"sounds fantastic."

I choose the first movie I can think of, the rocky horror picture show (fr if you haven't seen it, go watch it) and chuck it on while Adrian fetches a bottle of wine. Halfway through the movie, Adrian is snoring, fast asleep with his wine glass dangling precariously from his hand, half empty. I gently take it off him and set it on the coffee table and make myself more comfortable when Adrian wakes up slightly and puts his arms around me, pulling me onto his chest. I kiss him softly before sighing deeply and falling asleep.

*time skip brought to you by Adrian's laugh*


Adrian rumbles in his gorgeous morning voice.
I smile and sit up to stretch.

"morning. How'd you sleep?"

"eh, alright. After those first few night terrors I calmed down a bit."

"yeah, what was that about? You haven't had night terrors in ages."

"oh haha no, no I do have them I just usually scream into my pillow so I don't wake you up."


I say, hurt.


"that's not how relationships work and you know that. How long have we been together?"

"Two years."

"that's long enough for you to know that I'll help you with your shit. Yeah?"


I kiss him and rub sleep out of my eyes before looking down at him lying on the couch, his shirt hitched up, showing his stomach. I smile at him softly and poke his exposed skin.

"what do you feel like eating?"


"first thing in the morning? Yeah okay why not. Come help me."

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