Rami Malek X Short Reader

454 10 1

Word count: 748

I unlock the front door, kicking it closed behind me.
"Rami, I'm back."
I tell him, taking off my shoes and dumping my bag before going into the kitchen where Rami is, wiping down the counter top.
"hey, love."
He says as I wrap my arms around his waist, standing on my toes to kiss his neck.
"good day?"
He asks me. I nod, leaning into him, interlocking our fingers.
I hug him tightly and he turns me around, kissing me on the lips.
"cat got your tounge?"
I ask.
"something like that..."
I raise my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"um.. I agreed to let your mum stay for a few weeks..."
I groan and put my head on his shoulder.
I mumble into his neck.
"I'm sorry! She kept talking and talking and I couldn't say no... You know how your mum is."
I sigh and shrug.
"can't change it now. When will she be here?"
"a few days."
"we'd better make the most of the time we have left then, eh?"
I say before kissing him again.
Rami pulls away shaking his head.
"I've invited some friends over for tea."
I let go of him and go sit down on the other side of the bench opposite him.
"I promise I'll make it up to you."
He says, reaching over the counter for my hand.
I pull a face at him.
Rami starts to say something but is interrupted as my phone starts to ring.
I pull it out and roll my eyes, seeing who the caller is.
I answer the call and put it on speaker so Rami can hear.
"hey, mum how's it going?"
I ask.
"all good honey. I'm excited to be coming to stay!"
"we're excited to be having you. You'll finally be able to check out the area."
Mum keeps me on the phone until our guests arrive, bringing takeaways with them.
"bye mum love you."
I tell her before hanging up and going to greet our friends.
We all go into the lounge where we chuck on a movie and just chill out.
I pull faces at Rami across the room, rolling my eyes at the sappy parts and trying to make him laugh.

Our friends leave soon after the movie ends, leaving Rami and I to clean up the lounge before going to bed.
I'm in bed reading when Rami comes into our room, straight out of the shower.
"looking good, Malek."
I tell him as he pulls on pajamas.
"not too bad yourself, dear."
He winks at me and moves me over so he can get into bed beside me.
"turn the light off."
He tells me, so I reluctantly turn it off, closing my book and placing it on my nightstand.
Rami pulls me to his chest, running his fingers down my back.
I sigh and curl into him.
"you're so warm."
He whispers into my neck.
"and you're super hot."
I tell him, making him chuckle.
I drift off, waking a few times in the night to Rami pulling the covers off me, or him taking up all of my room.

When I wake up in the morning, I don't get up straight away. I lie there as sun streams through the cracks in the curtains and admire Rami and marvel at how peaceful he looks when he's asleep.
After a little while, I manage to find the inner strength to pull myself away from the perfect man sleeping beside me.
I carefully pull myself out of bed and go take a shower.
I then deicide to wake Rami up, as he also needs to get ready for the day.
I quietly get dressed and walk over to our bed.
I kiss Rami's cheek and whisper in his ear.
"wake up Rami, it's time to get up."
Rami opens his eyes and grins sleepily at me.
"no I don't. Neither did you, silly."
I raise my eyebrow, confused.
"no work today."
He tells me.
"public holiday."
I groan and realise I've gotten up early for no reason.
I pull off my uncomfortable business clothes and get back into bed, spooning Rami for warmth.
"I love holidays."
I tell him, kissing the back of his neck.
"so do I."
He mumbles, already going back to sleep.
I pull the blanket up around us and do the same. 

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