Jim Hopper

146 4 2

word count: 772

(masculine pov)

requested by:awildthing123

I wake up to the smell of cigarette smoke and frying food, the radio playing quietly from on top of the dresser. I push the covers off myself, pull on some shorts and go out into the kitchen where Hop's standing at the stove cooking eggs. I set out three plates on the table but Hopper shakes his head 

" at Mikes."

"y' don't sound happy about that."

"no, it's just constant, you know?  Why can't she hang out with any of the others? For christ's sake, I haven't heard a thing about anyone but Mike mike, fucking mike. "

I pat his arm and put the third plate away.

Jim drops a cigarette butt into the ashtray and sits down opposite me at the table. 

"sleep well?"

I ask, my mouth full of toast and egg. 

He looks down at his plate, smirking. 

"Dunno, I feel like I didn't get enough."

"yeah me neither."


I get a glass of water and drink it standing by the sink, looking over the counter at Hopper's back.

"you need to sit up straighter. "

I say to him, putting down my glass and crossing my arms over my chest. 

he sighs, sits back in his chair and lights another cigarette. 

"so what's on the schedule for today?"

"I've kind of got a day off, actually."

"oh yeah forgot about that."

"what would you say to a road trip?"

"where to?"

"The dunes. Y'know when that shithead kid held up the gas station? Apparently he went out there so we gotta go look."

"sure, sounds like fun. Not really a day off though."

"Yeah whatever. ready at half ten?"

I shoot him a thumbs up and go take a shower. Halfway through, Jim comes in to brush his teeth. He turns on the radio, pulls aside the shower curtain and raises his eyebrows at me as he looks me up and down. 

"need a hand reaching your back?"

"go on then."

he pulls off his clothes and has just gotten in, complaining about the water temperature, when someone knocks on the door. 

"piece of fucking shit."

"just don't open the door."


I kiss him, putting my arms around his neck but the knocking doesn't stop. 

I get out, leaving Hop to have an actual shower while I wrap a towel around my waist and go see who's there. 

"you couldn't have just opened it yourself?"

I ask El, dripping water all over the floor.

"Lost my key."

I shrug and stand aside to let her in. 

"Just need some things."

I nod and go back into the bathroom to find Hopper still in the shower.

"who was it?"

"Just El."

"What'd she do with her key?"

"Dunno, you could go ask her. "


Jim gets out and gets dressed, taking his time. I pull some clothes on too and then lean against the wall and wait. When he's finally ready, I roll my eyes at him and run my fingers through his wet hair, making it sit down. He walks past me towards El's room, kissing my cheek. Hopper looks in and frowns. 

"what are you doing?"

Hop asks El, whose standing awkwardly in the middle of her room, packing stuff into her bag. 


Jim rolls his eyes and shakes his head. 

"Wills? you want me to call Joyce and ask if that's true?"

"Do it, I am not lying."

"Okay, how long y'gonna be there for?"


I go to the kitchen as they continue to talk. I fill a water bottle and put a few apples into a bag for the trip. 

El comes out of her room with her bag.


She says, giving me a one armed hug.
I kiss the side of her head.

"See you tomorrow, yeah?"

She smiles and leaves, pulling the front door closed behind her.

Hop sighs and stands behind me as we both watch out the window as El gets on her new bike and rides away, her bag hanging awkwardly from her handlebars over the front wheel.

Jim kisses my neck and picks up the bag of water and apples off the table.

"After you. "

He says gesturing towards the front door, an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips.

I think to grab my camera at the last second, Hop waiting in the truck, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.   

The first part of the journey is pretty quite, neither of us feeling the need to break the comfortable silence that sits in the air. Then Jim's song comes on and he can't help but sing, grinning at me as I hum along with him, not a hundred percent sure of the lyrics. I take some pictures of the view out the window and of Jim before he gets all shy and covers the lens with his palm.

I fall asleep at some point and wake up when we stop.

"Here already?"

I ask, sitting up straight in my seat and rubbing my eyes.

"Just a quick stop, hon. Go back to sleep if you want."

I nod and try to, but someone shouts and I watch Jim drag a teenager over to the car by his shirt.
The kid is trying to pull away, but Hopper holds him tightly and shoves him into the backseat.

"Umm.. hi?"

I say over my shoulder to him. He just swears at me and sulks.
Jim gets in the car and slams his door.
He's got a big red mark on his forehead.
I sigh and hold his face to have a better look at it.

"its fine."

he grumbles, holding onto my wrist. I let him go, running my thumb along his cheek.

"so no dunes then?"

"I don't see why not."

"what about the little shit?"

"eh he can just sit there."

"Okay, sounds good."

It's only another ten minutes to the dunes and when we get there, the sun is lovely and warm, nice and high in the sky. We sit on the sand and watch the clouds. 

The breeze is perfect, the air is warm, the sand is soft. And Jim's here, of course. Doesn't get much better than this. 

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