Hannibal Lecter

609 14 1

Word count: 514

I walk slowly, dropping behind ever so slightly, when I feel another dig in my back.

"faster, please."

The man behind us says, pushing the gun deeper into my back.
I wince and do what he tells me, stealing a glance over at Hannibal who is walking with his head down, staring at the ground in defeat, spitting a mouthful of blood every once and awhile.

I don't know who the man behind me is. I know that Hannibal knows him but Hannibal won't even look at me, let alone talk to me. It's not my fault he made enemies with another murderer or whoever this man is. All I know is that he's got a gun and a very strong punch.
I tripped about an hour ago, and with my hands tied behind my back, I couldn't catch myself when I fell, resulting in a bruised cheekbone and a good kicking, probably a broken rib. Hannibal just stood there and watched.
Sweat falls into my eyes as the man tells us to stop. He goes over and checks Hannibal's hands, keeping his gun trained on me.

"please, Charlie.. Leave y/n out of this. I'm sure we can sort something out."

Charile punches him in the stomach. I wince but Hannibal doesn't.

Charlie pushes Hannibal to the ground, bending to tighten his bonds.


Hannibal says again, sounding a little desperate.
I step away from Charlie  as he comes back over to me.

"you, y/n, you will help me to get what I want. You see, Dr Lecter here owes my boss. Owes him a lot actually."

"that doesn't sound like my problem."

I reply, trying to sound indifferent.

Charlie snorts and drops his gun onto the grass, before taking off his coat and placing it onto of the gun. I watch him roll up his sleeves and brace myself for what's coming.
He hits me in the nose first, sending a searing spark of pain up into my brain. I blink the tears out of my vision and sniff, trying to keep my face neutral.

"Charlie. Let's talk about this rationally before somebody gets seriously hurt."

Charlie turns away from me to look at Hannibal. I try to find him amongst the blur in my eyes.

"oh, Hannibal. I'm sure we could do that but I really don't want to. I was just starting to have fun."

I frown slightly as I see Hannibal shrug.

"so be it. Go ahead."

He says, spitting more blood onto the grass in front of him.
That hurts more then any pain Charlie could inflict on me.
Yes, he's been acting distant and ignoring me since Charlie got us but I at least expected him to fight for me. After all, we have been married for five years.

I look back at Charlie.


I ask him.

"do your worst."

Charlie stares into my eyes, frowning.

"what kind of trick is this supposed to be?"

"no trick."

I shrug.

"hit me. Its the least you can do after kidnapping me and all."

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