Steve Rogers requested

478 12 3

This is for LilyCadogan
Word count: 574


I say, thinking about Steve and what he's going to say. I look across at my parents who look back with expressions of confusion and disbelief.

"just okay? No 'you can't live my life for me' bullshit?"

My father asks, frowning.
I sigh.

"yes. Just okay. I won't get out of it just by disagreeing with you, will I?"

He shakes his head.

"thought not."

I get up from the dining table and walk up the stairs to my room. I sit quietly on my bed for a moment before going to pack my things. Unfortunately, I'd grown fond of Midguard and its strange people so much so that I've started to adopt their dialect. I shove my clothes into a bag, ignoring the pile of weapons in the corner that my parents had gotten me for every Christmas and birthday since I could remember.

I'm not against the idea of ruling second to only one on the biggest throne in the nine realms but I would have liked a bit of a warning.

My mother puts her head around the door of my room.

"you leave on Tuesday."

I just nod, not looking up at her.

"you should be greatful."

She continues.

"he chose you out of everyone."

I just roll my eyes as she leaves.
Loki chose me to strengthen the throne, my family being in charge of a popular and effective trading system, making us very rich and formidable.

Someone knocks on my door.


I ask, turning towards the door as it opens.
It's Steve, looking as beautiful as ever standing sheepish and sad in my doorway, ducking slightly in the low doorway, unsure if he should stay where he is or come inside. I gesture for him to enter and go to sit beside him on the edge of my bed.

"I leave on tuesday."

I say, being blunt.

"I know."

He sighs, looking me in the eye.

"but I still wanted to talk to you."

I shrug.

"heres not the best please to talk, love."

I stand up and grab my bag from where I dropped it on my bed, leaning over Steve to pick it up.

"are we going somewhere?"

He asks.

"yes. The park."

"oh okay."

Steve follows me out of my room and down the stairs.
Outside, I wave down a taxi and we get in the back, the driver nodding to us as we pull away.

"when did you find out?"

Steve asks me quietly, his fingers pressing gently into my palm.

"about ten minutes before you did."

I reply, staring out of his window, past his face, trying not to see his sad expression.

"is there any way that you could say no?"

I shake my head.

"not even death could get me out of it."

Steve sighs, his shoulders falling slightly.


I lean into him, linking our fingers.

We sit in silence the rest of the way, only talking when the taxi is out of sight.

"I'll miss you."

He says, looking down at me.

I just nod and sigh sadly.

"I'll miss you too."

I hold his hand again, pulling him along into the park.

"you'll be unstoppable."

He says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"yeah, I guess I will be."

We walk in silence, unable to think of anything else to say.

"will you be able to write?"


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