Spencer Reid

416 4 0

Word count: 279

I lean back in my chair and push the file away from me.
Spencer looks up from his position across the desk and closes his book.

"are you bored?"

"something like that."

I say, pulling a face.

He looks at me, a small smile on his face.

"actually, I've been meaning to ask you something."

He says, leaning back in his chair.

I look over at him expectantly.

"would you uh, like to have dinner? With me. I mean, I know we eat together a lot, but like proper dinner for once."

"like a date?"

(just quietly, I hoped it was going to be, having liked Reid for a while.)


"sure, what were you thinking?"

Reid looks mildly surprised for a moment.

"uh, there's a new Italian place a street over that's supposed to be good."

"you free now?"

"you aren't."

"so? C'mon."

I stand up and grin down at Reid across the table.

It takes him a moment to arrange himself and his cane and to get up.

We make our way across the bullpen, stopping to quickly flip off Morgan who rolls his eyes from behind piles of paperwork.

Outside we walk in comfortable silence and it's nice, if a little cold.

"have you finished Rossi's book yet?"

Spencer asks looking across at me.

"not quite. It's actually quite boring, to be honest."

Reid huffs a laugh

"don't let him hear you saying that."

"oh no of course not."

We slipped back into silence for awhile, broken when we got to the restaurant.

"I like you."

Spencer said.

"I like you too."

"uh, d'you just want to get takeout?"

"yes please. Very much."

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