Jack Sparrow II requested

538 13 2

Word count: 529

This is for @SavvyJasper

I walk down the wharf, nodding at a man on my way past his stall, slipping an apple off his stand and into my pocket.
I pull it out and shine it on my shirt, looking for an easy purse to steal but I bump into someone before I can spot one. They pluck the apple out of my hand and take a bite, smirking at me.


"aww come on, I deserve a better hello then that, don't you think?"

"shove off, Jack. I've got places to be."

Jack spins on his heel and drapes an arm around my shoulders.

"indeed you do! Which ship are you working on, by chance?"

"none of your business."


I stop and look at him.

"you're kidding."

Jack grins and shrugs his shoulders, gesturing to the big black ship at the end of the dock.

"you can't quit either. My ship needs another pirate and its hard to find them as good looking as yourself."

I roll my eyes and shrug his arm off.


Jack claps his hands and grins, making me smile back unintentionally.

"let's go then. Here's your apple back."

He drops the apple into my hand and kisses my cheek before flouncing up the boardwalk and onto his ship.
My face tingles where his lips were but I quickly brush away my feelings and go aboard the ship.

Once on the deck, I can see that Jack's already in an argument with one of his crew, a small blonde man, someone he probably slept with and then stole from. Like usual.
Despite my better judgement, I lean against a crate and listen to their conversation. I flinch as the man punches Jack in the face and walks quickly off the ship, winking at me on the way past, massaging his knuckles. I nod back, smirking before handing Jack a bandanna to clean up his bloody nose with.

"I deserved that."

He says, spitting blood.
I pull a face and go to find a place to my stuff.

Jack leaves me alone until we cast off.

I'm standing at the stern of the ship, leaning over the side, looking at the land becoming smaller and smaller behind us when Jack comes up beside me. He doesn't say anything for awhile, just watches with me.


He says. I look at him, surprised by what I'd just heard.

"since when do you apologise, Sparrow?"

He shrugs.

"I was an ass to you."

"really? Which time? I stopped keeping track."

I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Jack blackmailed me into taking the blame for a bunch of his shortcomings and mistakes. I was promptly dumped on an island and barely escaped with my life. After that he did take a bullet or two for me so I guess that makes us more or less even.

I steal a glance at him, looking gorgeous in the last light of the day.

"um, I'm on night duty if you want to sit with me?"

He says, shielding his eyes from the sun as it sets and smiles slightly at me. I nod and grin back.

"yeah, sure."


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