Chapter 17

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Still standing having a staring competition is Annabelle and David. Aiden hand is holding me securely to his side, his large hand by my waist. I look up and come to face Annabelle giving me a death stare.

"Wow not only are you a gold digging whore but also acting an innocent pure white virgin when the chances of it being slim to none. Probably saying this baby is his when in reality you don't even know the real baby daddy. You are just worthless living human being." By now Annabelle was close to my face and spitting her venom. But I don't care she hates me and my mom for a reason I don't know and at the moment don't care. I let the anger overtake me. Pulling my hand back I slap her face pretty hard. Her head turned to the left from the impact. Cradling her cheek she turns to face me. Murder was written in her face.

"You bitch." Annabelle hisses.

"Leave NOW!" Aiden voices booms in the restaurant.

"You can't tell me what to do," Annabelle yells at Aiden.

Aiden very calmly calls to the manager of the restaurant. The thin tall man comes running scared.

"Yes, sir." The manager of the name Ted asks Aiden.

Aiden simply turns to glare at Annabelle but speaks to Ted. "I want this woman removed from here she is not to be welcome to this restaurant ever." Aiden requests. I gasp can he do that?

"You can't do that!" Annabelle yells then turns to David. "Do something!" David who has been silent through the argument just stands with an unreadable expression.

"He won't do anything because he knows one wrong move and I will cut ties with his father making go in bankruptcy," Aiden says to Annabelle. She gasps. I glance up at David and see his face has hatred written all over it. His fist are balled up.

"You may leave." Aiden dismisses them as if they were insignificant people. Ted calls security. Two buff men come and take a hold of a furious Annabelle. She yells at the man to let her go. David just quietly trails behind them.

After watching them leave I stand awkwardly.

"We will talk later now let's just eat," Aiden tells me very close to my ear his breath warm on my neck. Fear creeps up my spine but I just nod. He takes Amelia from me and sits her on his lap. She seems very happy. We sit down order our food and wait.


After the whole fiasco at the restaurant, we get to Aiden's house.

Amelia has fallen asleep. Aiden still carrying her takes her to my room.

I still need to get a crib for her.

I know we still need to discuss the marriage thing. The time we were at the restaurant I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I felt everyone stare but Aiden seems unaware or didn't care. I would stare at anything but him. However, I would feel his stare like a thousand weights. We finished eating, made our way to his office to discuss the inevitable.

We sit in silence for a second but to me, it feels like forever.

"Who is she?" Aiden asks. Filling in the silent.

I give him a confused look.

"The women from the restaurant. Cause from the looks of it, she knows you and very well." Aiden commented.

I think about lying but that wouldn't help. From the looks of it, he has power.

I go with the truth. " I went to school with them."

He nods. "Why did she say those things about you. She seems to hate you why?"

I would ask that question to myself many times. Why? What did I ever do to her? I guess I'll never know.

"I don't know why she hates me." I purposely not answer the other questions. No one needs to about that.

He nods then waits. I think he's waiting for me to answer if he is then he will have to wait forever. I'm not answering.

I guess he figured out that I'm not going to answer because he says OK. Now we move to the important matter at hand.


"OK, I will just give a rundown as to why I need to get married," Aiden says. I let him continued. "My dad wants me to get married because my mom wants an heir. I will be 30 in a few weeks and my mother believes that its time to get a family. My mom and dad were already married and with me on the way at my age. So my mom had been insisting me to get married I refused and we had an argument which led to me not talking to them for a while. I chose to ignore them and continue my lifestyle." He pauses and gives me a look referring to his 'lifestyle' because I've been a witness to all this. "And. Umm well, my dad got tired of waiting so he threatened me that if I don't marry by my 30th birthday he will disown me and remove me from the presidency. I can't let that happen. So I started to look for potential women. I-" I interrupt him before he could continue. "Wait so you were looking for someone but I remember that you would umm...bring... Umm lady friends almost every night." I say.

He laughs at my reference to a lady friend. "Well, I wasn't going to stop until I found the one." He smiles. I just grimace at him. I would feel sorry for his wife. Oh, wait I'm in the run for it.

He clears his throat. "Anyways I was looking for the right and then you came along. I kinda didn't want you here. Sorry. I stop looking for a while and just relax. You seem to fit into a roll here. The idea came to be.However, it stops the moment you were attacked. I did leave on a business trip that week and had made up my mind. Coming back from the trip I was going to ask you.I had already informed my dad about my decision but hadn't informed of who. So you left. I thought you could have been at your mother's but when I went to your room all of your things were gone." He leaned forward, knotted his fingers together, resting them on his desk.

I looked down.

"So I took matters into my own hands."

"You did," I say in a whisper. "You took a baby away from their family and then you kept stalking me." I glare at him.

"Look we will both be benefited from this." He tries to convince me.

"Really how is get married to you beneficial. Maybe for you but what about me and Amelia? How long would we have to keep this up? Would we lie to everyone we know? For heaven sake would you even be faithful? Will I have to?" I stand up and plant my hand on his desk. A million questions running in my head. If I did decide to get married one day I would have picked a partner that I love and trust with all my heart with my secrets, my pain, my life. He too stands up and leans close to my face. Anger in his face he's not the only one.

"We will have normal, real marriage." He growls.

"No, if I ever get married it would be because I'm in love!" I yell in his face trying to tell him I would never agree.

His face turns hard. "Who would want to marry a young girl with no higher education than high school and  with a baby girl and no job living in a home like yours."

I gasp and flinch from him. His words hurt more the if he would have hit me. I feel tears coming. I stiffly stand back.

"Well if that's how you truly feel. What am I doing here?" My voice cracks with the tears that are coming. I run out the room and up the stairs.

"Lisa. Lisa wait I didn't mean that."Aiden yells trying to catch up to me but I'm faster I enter my room and slam the door. Aiden beats the door. "Open the door right now!" Aiden voice booms on the other side of my room.

"No. Stop yelling your waking up Amelia."

"I won't stop until you open the door." He says in a lower voice.

"Well, then you will just have to stay there awhile." He keeps knocking. I chose to ignore him and lay on the bed with Amelia. I try to sleep but Aiden's words keep circling my head. Which bring more tears to my eyes. His words really hurt and I don't know why. My whole life people would laugh at me offend me about my home life but I always turned the other cheek but know that Aiden said them again I just felt like nothing. We weren't all born with a golden spoon in our mouths. Some of us have to work many jobs just to get a meal and for him to offend me is not fair.  I fall into slumber with Aiden still hitting the door and forgetting my worries.


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