Chapter 8

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I was discharged from the hospital 3 days later. I was given painkillers for my bruised ribs. While I was in the hospital my mom had taken the liberty to find me another job.

On Tuesday I started my new job.

As a babysitter.  
Huh, not a job I've done before but I figure I couldn't be too bad. I've always wanted a baby sister or just anyone I know to have a baby that I could take care of. That's wasn't the case since we didn't know many people and mom didn't have anymore.

My mom informed me that the baby was just a 5-month-old baby girl. The family came from money and had too many meetings and other obligations to do and need help to watch the baby.

So Tuesday morning I'm knocking at the home of Richards.

"You must be the babysitter,  come in. Amelia is sleeping I have a list right here that has to to with Amelia's schedule. I have to go on a business trip don't know when I will come back and my husband is away to so. Goodbye." An elegant lady opened the door rushes me in and left dragging a suitcase after handing me the list.

"I'm guessing that was Mrs. Richard," I say to myself.

Thanks for the introduction.

"It was." I jumped at the sound of the voice. I turn to see middle-aged women. She has a colorful apron with food stains on it.

"Hi, my name is Lisa." I offer my hand to shake.

"Claire." She smiles at me, shaking my hand. "And I'm the cook, I will show you the house. Oh, and Sweetheart you'll be more of a mom than the baby's real mom.  Mr. and Mrs. Richard always go on trips and since the baby was born they leave more and more. That is why the other babysitter quit she was basically being a mom. I hope you last. Now follow me." She goes up the stairs and I follow.  She shows me room after room. Explaining who each one belongs to.

And finally, we get to the baby room.

Claire opens the room and I'm met with pink covered walls different types of flowers painted as well. A white crib is situated in the middle of the room. Different stuffed animals in one corner and a rocking chair in another.

"Lunch will be served at 3 and if you need any help just ask me or Ana the housekeeper," Claire tells me before leaving downstairs.

I turn my attention back to the crib. I slowly and a little fearful lean over and see a cute little baby with chubby cheeks and dark hair.

As if sensing my presences she suddenly opens her eyes and I staring into beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Hey, darling." She giggles.  I take the list out of my pocket and see what needs to be done.

"Ok little one it says it's time to eat." Putting the piece of paper back in my pocket. I lean over the crib to gently pick her up. I cradle her, swinging back and forth.

I walk into the big kitchen. I'm looking for Amelia's food when Claire tells me.

"Lisa, Amelia's food is in the door to your left. " Claire instructs me. "I also put your food on the table. "

"Thank you." I get Amelia's food and sit with her on the table.

I feed Amelia first before I eat. After we are done I now have to take Amelia outside.It seemed almost natural setting into the role of a babysitter. I talked to Claire a bit while eating. i think I will truly enjoy it here. At least I will have people to talk to.

"Hey, Claire I'm going to take Amelia to the park for a while. I'll see you in a few."

"Oh, be sure to have your phone and wallet on you at all times, please be careful. " Claire calls out.

"I will," I call back.

I take Amelia put her in the stroller. It's pretty warm but with a bit of a cold breeze blowing now and then.

Having time to think, I think to how this job is better, they may not pay as good as Mr. Knight but they’re close. Besides with a cute little baby, it would just be great. I've always loved babies this job is great and I actually have people to keep me company. All I need to do now is meet Mr. Richard and Ana.

Looking down at Amelia I say, "Are you just the cutest. " Drool comes out of her mouth as she laughs.  When we get to the park I take her out of the stroller and walk with her.


"How was the walk." Asks Claire as I walk through the house.

"Good. It's starting to get a little chilly."

" Well dinner is ready. If you want to eat. "Claire informs me.

"I will eat. I just need to changes Amelia's diaper." I picked her up I walk to her room. I set her down before quickly changing her diaper.

"So how was your first day. "Claire ask while sitting down with me and Amelia to eat dinner.

"Great, besides Amelia just so cute," I tell her very happily

"That's good, but I'm warning you that it will not be always like this. You will be more of a mother than a babysitter." Claire warns before silently digging into her food.


"Hey, Mom," I call my mom to tell her how my day went.


We keep the conversation light and say quickly our goodbyes. Since I will now be staying here in the house,  sleeping close to the baby I go check on Amelia one last time before going to bed.

I got a regular size bedroom-nothing compared to the one in the Mr. Knights home. Just a bed, nightstand, and dress are in the door. I guess I will eventually decorate at my taste.

I turn on the monitor on my nightstand to hear if in the middle of the night Amelia decides wakes up. I drift off to sleep but not before a having one last thought about Mr.  Knight.


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