Chapter 34

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Today was peaceful. My dad wasn't home and we didn't know when he'll get here.

He hates when we are not home and he gets here well basically he hates when we leave the house period.

Today he left earlier than usual. We take it to our advantage. Mom cook cupcakes today.

I help my mom alittle but she did all the work. We made a mess in the kitchen, it was the most fun we've had in a long time. After we are done we put icing on the cupcakes and let them cool off.

"Lisa do you want to go to the park?" My mom asks from the kitchen.

"Yes." I yell. My dad didn't usually allow us to go out so I rarely went to the park when I was younger.

So at the age of 14 I was yelling excitingly to being taken to a park. My mom takes a container to pack a few cupcakes to take with us.

We walk a few blocks to the park. I run to the swing. I love the swings. I last alittle while on it before I go and sit by my mom.

"You want a cupcake?" My mom offers me the container to get a cupcake. I take one.

We sit and eat in silence for awhile then we just walk around talking about school, and just place we wish to go.

It's lunch time when we decide to go back home.

My mom unlock the door and an unsettling feeling start to form in the pit of my stomach. The house is dark all the shades are close.

A dark figure sits on the couch. I know who it is.

Dad leans forward grabbing the beer bottle from the coffee table. Multiple empty beer bottles cover the floor.

With no other choice than to step inside, we enter the apartment.

My dad looks up just starring at us. An expressionless look on his face.

"Zac." My mom says hesitantly.

"Marie." He says back.

"I'll cook you something quick right now." My mom says to my dad. She then turns to me and whisper in my ear. "Go to your room."

I shake my head but she gives me a stern look and pushes me forward.

I walk to my room head down not making eye contact with my dad.

I get to my room and close the door. I sit in my bed, waiting to hear the hits I know my dad will soon give my mom.

I actually don't hear anything which surprises me the most. I quietly walk to the door and try to hear something.

I hear nothing for a few moments when what sounds like a loud 'smack' I throw open my door and run into the kitchen.

My mom cups her cheek, her eyes turning watery. A plate of food lays at her feet.

My dad just leans back in the chair and looks at her.

I walk to pick up the plate and the food.

"Don't help her." My dad commands me. I chose to ignore him and continue on. My mom grabs my forearm trying to stop me but I still go on.

"I told you to leave it for her." My dad comes from behind me and pulls on my hair.

Pains forms in my head as he yanks me up from my ponytail. I scratch his hands and forearms so he can release me but its no use. He has a strong grip.

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