iwaoi: prince

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A/N: I just had to write a royalty AU for them... They're my favorite kind of IwaOi AUs.

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Prince Oikawa Tooru was a bit annoying, but Iwaizumi couldn't help but feel bad for the poor boy.

Iwaizumi didn't like the way the prince talked, or the way he walked. Or the way he did anything, for that matter. But he did feel upset by the way his parents- the king and queen- treated him. Apparently, his opinion didn't matter, because he was just a teenage boy who worked in the stables. No one ever took what he said into consideration. Sure, the other stable workers might, but they assumed he was dumb because he was a teenager. They were all old men, and never took children like Iwaizumi seriously. He hated it.

They wouldn't even listen to Iwaizumi's reasoning as to why the young prince deserved a better family.

He sometimes wondered if the teenage prince ever had to deal with people like this- or did he always get his ideas listened to? Prince Tooru was the only child of the king and queen, so it would make sense for them to listen to him, right? For them to actually care what he said or thought, unlike the stable men to Iwaizumi.

But no, Prince Tooru was ignored by his parents. They only cared about preparing him for marriage and taking the throne when his father passed away. Iwaizumi noticed this the first time there had been a meeting with the royals and the stable men. Prince Tooru was there, sitting next to his mother, who was seated next to her husband- the king. He was wearing a very crisp white shirt, tucked into his velvet-looking aqua pants, sitting up tall because his mother had told him to.

Iwaizumi had seen him say something to his mother, to which the queen had ignored. When she was asked by one of the stable men what the prince had suggested, she brushed it off and told everyone that it was an unnecessary opinion. Iwaizumi took one look at Prince Tooru's reaction to that and could tell that he'd actually been trying to be helpful.

Iwaizumi felt bad. He would help the prince if he knew how. Talking to him had always been a collective thing, with every stable man included in the conversation. Iwaizumi wanted to talk to him alone. But he also didn't want to go near him. Interacting with royalty was difficult for him because he wasn't sure how to speak. He knew how to be polite, but he was told by someone once to be more mature. He didn't know what he was doing wrong.

Perhaps he'd get lucky and Prince Tooru would be more impolite than Iwaizumi apparently was. He didn't think that was very likely though. The prince had been taught in mannerisms ever since he was a young boy. Iwaizumi could only hope he'd get a chance to have a normal conversation with him one day.

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That day came sooner than he'd thought it would come.

He was taking his lunch break in the stables, like he did pretty much every day, when the prince approached. He peeked his head inside the stables, nose scrunching as he took in the smell of it. Iwaizumi didn't know why he was there. His mother, nor his father, where there with him. It was just him and his much younger assistant, Takeru.

Iwaizumi looked up from where he was sitting on a barrel of hay, eating his sandwich, giving the prince's helper a questioning look. Takeru gave Iwaizumi a tired look in return. Iwaizumi found it funny how a child was assisting Prince Tooru, and looked as if he was an adult babysitting a toddler that wouldn't behave.

"This place could use an air freshener," was the first thing Prince Tooru said as he stepped inside the stables.

Iwaizumi glanced at him, taking another bite out of his sandwich, "What brings you here today, your majesty?" he asked, trying to sound the least bit sarcastic as he could, with that failing.

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