ushioi: rivals

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There he stood, on the other side of the net.

Oikawa Tooru.

The net was always the thing dividing them- both in a physical and metaphorical sense. In a metaphorical sense because even if the court divider wasn't there, the two of them would still be separated emotionally. They were from rivalry schools and on rivalry volleyball teams. Ushijima wanted to be closer to him, to know about his thoughts and feelings. But all he could do was admire Oikawa's techniques from afar. And although that wasn't a horrible thing, it wasn't what he wanted.

Ushijima wanted for volleyball to be the only thing dividing them, because that was just how it worked on the court. He didn't, however, want them to be divided by anything else. Past words that were said and meant to intimidate the other, were probably one reason why the two of them could never push the net aside. That, and the fact that Oikawa probably really didn't like anything about Ushijima. Ushijima wanted them to be okay. He wanted them to work things out, and move past this silly rivalry that they'd set up.

Oikawa, on the other hand, was most likely too busy thinking about how to win every match and how to be better in the future. Ushijima wanted to help him- to tell him that not everything was about volleyball. He wished Oikawa would allow the net to break down so he could give him some comfort. He knew that with what the two of them had created around each other, it would never happen.

- - -

"Shittykawa! You can't leave your stuff lying around, this isn't our change room!" Iwaizumi scolded his friend, gesturing to the water bottle he'd almost left behind.

Oikawa sighed, "Sorry, Iwa-chan," he rolled his eyes, picking it up and heading out with him.

It was after a match with Shiratorizawa, and Oikawa felt numb. He always felt like this after a difficult game, but even more so if the game had been against Ushijima and his team. He wanted to get better, evolve his skills somehow. Iwaizumi always told him that he was too harsh on himself. He believed him, of course he did, but he still wouldn't give himself a break. Because doing that, and letting himself rest, would mean he wasn't getting anywhere closer to being more skilled.

Maybe Oikawa needed someone to tell him to stop pushing himself- because he certainly wouldn't stop on his own accord.

"See ya tomorrow, Oikawa," Iwaizumi said, giving him a short wave.

Oikawa forced a smile, "Mhm, bye, Iwa-chan!" he replied.

They parted and went their separate ways. Oikawa decided to go back to the Shiratorizawa gym, just to practice his serve one more time before the next match tomorrow. He wasn't aware he was overworking himself and making it worse for his body.

- - -

It was the next day, the second match against Shiratorizawa was halfway through, and Oikawa was beginning to feel a bit tired.

"Nice serve, Ushijima!" someone on the other team shouted, encouraging  their captain.

The ball came flying over the net an alarmingly quick speed, but Oikawa was used to it by now. Ushijima had quite the powerful serve, and Oikawa had made sure to study it endlessly to figure out how to stop it. Shinji Watari- Aoba Johsai's libero- received his serve. Though it wasn't very accurately hit, Oikawa could tell, so someone had to cover.

The match flew by, coming to the final set of the game. Oikawa was exhausted- more so than usual, but he wasn't going to stop now, when they were so close to winning.

It was his turn to serve, and as always, he felt a rush of excitement when he tossed the ball up in the air. Unlike usual though, he felt dizzy. He became unable to focus on- or even see- the ball that he'd thrown into the air. He was sure it was coming down, ready for him to serve across the court, because that was clearly the way gravity worked. His vision was terrible, and now his head was beginning to hurt. He couldn't see properly, he couldn't jump at all, hell- he could barely breath. He felt himself falling to the ground, much like the ball that hadn't been served and was now rolled away on the court. He felt his knees give in, causing him to collapse.

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