kuroken: yellow (part 2)

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A/N: Song for this oneshot & a picture of the small box of flowers Kenma got ^

The next four days sped by quickly. Kenma had done a stream two days after, just as he'd said he would. Now it was Saturday, and the first day of spring break. Kuroo was coming home soon. He said he'd probably get there in the evening, so Kenma had to wait an entire day to see him. It wasn't as if he hadn't already been waiting for months, so he was fine with having to wait just a tiny bit longer.

Tomorrow- on Sunday- the two of them were planning on doing a stream together for the people who'd watched his stream four days ago. Kenma was looking forward to it, and he was excited to see his best friend again.

- - -

It was the evening.

Kenma had tried to make time go by quicker a number of ways- some of which had worked- but for the most part, the day went on as usual.

Talking to Shouyou over the phone had helped, but he had mostly been complaining to him about how much longer he had to wait for Kuroo to arrive.

Now it was around the time Kuroo had said he'd show up. Kenma was still waiting, knowing that his friend could show up at any moment.

After sixteen minutes, (yes, Kenma had counted), there was a knock on his apartment door. There was someone out in the building's hallway, wanted to join Kenma in his home, and he really hoped that it was who he thought it was.

"Coming," Kenma called out, to the person at the door, as he walked towards them from his bedroom.

When he reached the door he sucked in a breath, opening it slowly and peeking around.

"Hi, Kenma," a familiar voice greeted him, smiling lopsidedly.

Kenma opened the door fully and couldn't contain himself as he walked forward and hugged Kuroo.

"Woah, didn't know you missed me that much," he teasingly said.

Kenma exhaled, "Shut up, Kuro," he mumbled into the other's jacket.

"I'm just sayin'..." he responded, chuckling. "You never used to give me hugs, like- ever."

The shorter boy looked up and rolled his eyes, his arms still clutching the material of Kuroo's jacket, "Just hug me," he said, pulling him closer.

Kuroo complied, wrapping his arms around Kenma and holding him to his chest. They stayed like that for a moment, then Kuroo pulled away.

"Here," he said. "I got these for you."

He handed Kenma a little box with flowers in it. It was small, easy to hold in one hand. The flowers were red and white, and perfect to put somewhere in Kenma's desk setup.

"Kuro, you know I can't take care of living things," he told him, but took the plant and admired it.

Kuroo laughed, "I know, that's why they're fake flowers," he said. "So you could keep them forever, if you wanted to."

"Oh, good," Kenma replied, holding his small pot of flowers like it was a sensitive child. "I still feel guilty about what happened to Bubbles."

Bubbles had been his pet fish that he'd gotten when he first moved into his apartment. Bubbles had died because Kenma forgot to feed him several times.

"Right- rest in peace, Bubbles," Kuroo chuckled.

"That poor fish," Kenma stated, shaking his head, amused. "Anyways, you can come inside now."

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