Chapter 8: Conversations

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Raven Silver


Sky. Lights. Sun. All things that most would've taken for granted. But I've seen nothing close to it in decades apparently. I inhaled the fresh air and sighed. But I was alone in this world. Then again I was alone in the last one too.

There's s shift in the air and I knew someone was approaching me. "There aren't many whom can sneak up on me." I stated gruffly. The tread was to heavy for a female. I assumed it was the blonde male. He was persistent. "I wasn't trying to ma'am." He sat next to me on the edge of the large building.

I overlooked the city below me. It was loud, full of life, and very futuristic. It made no sense at all to me. "It's strange isn't it?" The man asked, his voice ringing strong through the air. I nod, my hood still obscuring my face. "Is it a custom for women to wear less clothing?"

The man chuckled lightly. "That's just New York, ma'am." I observed him closely. He muscular, far more than a normal man. Due to the serum though. He looked over at me, curiosity filled his eyes. "How did you escape Hydra?"

I looked away from him and answered shortly "I fought." But this man was persistent. "How old where you when Hydra took you?" I didn't want to share my personal life story with this stranger. "It is of no importance." I muttered.

The man shifted and mused "I take it you aren't much of a talker?" My answer was clear when I made no action to speak. But I had many questions, and this man most likely held them. "Your name soldier?"

The man replied kindly "Steve Rogers ma'am." I nod, still scanning the streets below. "And what sort of name is The Avengers?" Steve shrugged "With all do respect ma'am, what kind of name is Revenge?" I chuckle lowly, actually almost enjoying this mans company "Touché Mister Rogers."

More questions creeped into my head. So many one slipped. "How did you end up here Mister Rogers?" Steve leaned back onto his arms "Well, back during the war, I was just this scrawny little guy that wanted to join the army. My best pal, Bucky made it in. He served in England in the 107th. When I finally made it in, they turned me into the super soldier. I became Americas hope, Captain America. Later on during the war, Bucky was captured by Hydra. I rescued him only for him to end up falling 300 feet off a train. Long story short, I had to nosedive Schmidt's plane full of bombsinto the Arctic Ocean. I stayed there frozen, for seventy years. When I woke up, I was here in New York."

"That's a hell of a life story Mister Rogers," I found it only fair to answer one of his questions now. "And eleven." Steve looked confused. "What?" I shifted awkwardly "You asked how old I was when Hydra took me. I was eleven."

Steves face softened a great deal "They took you when you were a child?" I turned my head away "Mister Rogers, this won't be the last time you hear this. But Hydra doesn't care how many life's they ruin. They. Are. Hydra."

Revenge of the Raven (Captain America and the Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora