Chapter 29: This isnt Hydra

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Steven Grant Rogers

Captain America

I woke to an annoying beeping and many voices. My eyes snapped open, I was ready to fight for her. "Lillian!" I was holding the collar of someone shirt when I realized where I was. This isn't Hydra. The Avengers stood around me, watching as I held Stark by the collar of his tee shirt.

Shaking myself out of the daze I release Stark. "Where's Lillian?" Everyone looked at one other, hoping someone else would answer. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed "You guys didn't find her."

I was hoping it was all just a bluff so we could really escape. So she could start over again. But she really had kept to her word. I ran my hands over my face, sitting up even though it pained me to do so. "Oh Lillian, what did you do." I muttered to myself.

Stark straightened out his shirt as Bucky patted my back, looking concerned for me. "What happened in there pal?" I looked up from my hands, the team was watching their leader fall apart before them. I didn't care much about it though. I was to scared for Lillian's life.

"Everything she told us happened. They tortured us." I said flatly, wanting nothing more than to have her back. The room went silent, wishing for me to continue. "They strapped her up to a table and stuffed me into a cage. I'd have to watch her be tortured for hours on end, vise versa for her. For a little while they would let us out after torturing so we could get to one another, but once that stopped I guess Lillian had a little more time to think of a way out. I guess Hydra upheld their word."

Nat stepped forward, confused as everyone else as to what she was referring to. "What do you mean upheld their word?" I run a hand through my hair, the whole situation repeating in my head. "The last thing I remember before waking up here was Lillian telling Douglas that if they freed me that she would do what ever they wanted, comply, train, kill, she said she'd even let them ice her if it meant they let me go."

The room fell completely silent, that is until Stark butted in. "You mean Blast from the Past was actually on our side? And that are really had compassion?" Bucky glared at Stark, realizing what Lillian had done. "If she was willing to let them ice her again she must really love Steve....that means-" Stark cuts him off with a grunt, obviously feeling like an imbecile.

"That means she was on our side all along. Dammit! She was telling the truth the whole time." I nodded in agreement, having said so a million times. She was gone. I let them hurt her, abuse her. I had to sit by and watch her soul be crushed by our enemy. They hadn't let me go just because she bargained it. Because they knew I wouldn't be the same man or Avenger because of it.

It was my fault. I should've stopped her somehow. By now they have moved her to another facility and who knows, maybe even brain washed her.

"Hydra will pay for this. I'll get her back." I growled, getting worked up. Bruce timidly pointed out "What if she wants to stay in Hydra? She has been there since she was eleven years old. It's the only place she has ever known in her entire life."

I slouched over, hope diminished and nearly defeated.

"I promised- I promised I would get her out of there. I failed her. I failed her and now- I failed her and now she's gone."

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