Chapter 3: ~ 1962

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Raven Silver ~ 1962 (dates are unknown to Raven~ point of view is now Ravens)

I felt warmth rush through my body. My fingers twitched, my chest began to inhale and exhale. My eyes shot open in alert, searching for Schmidt. The last thing I remember is him standing in front of me as I was strapped up in this chamber of ice.

My eyes meet with those of a stranger. It was a man, tall and stalky, frightening green eyes and pale skin. "Yay," he states dryly. "You're alive." My breathing was uneven as I asked "Where is Schmidt?"

The man behind typing on the machine "You need to stop asking questions if you want to live. Now, we are going to start the process where you left off. Injections and preparation."

Bulky men unstrap me as I realize I'm not in my old cell. This place is made completely of shiny silver walls, and many more torture devices. The men strap me down to a table with extreme restraints to hold me.

"Begin injections." The man instructs still typing on the machines. The men that had strapped me down moved a machine near me with several needles sticking out from it. The serum burned my veins and muscles as it began to adapt to me. I knew the serum was making me physically stronger, it would help greatly when I got my revenge on Hydra.

Once the injections were done I'm chained to the wall for my preparation and endurance. "Begin." The man instructs monotonously. The men grab weapons of all sorts and beat me to pulp with it. After hours and hours of this I'm strapped back to the table again, have more serum pumped into me, beaten once more, then put back in the machine.

"Your time will soon come," starts the green eyed man. "You shall revolutionize Hydra. But first, happy dreams." He presses a button and I'm cold again. But it numbed the physical pain, but nothing could numb my mental pain.

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