Chapter 9: PMSing?

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Raven Silver


I walked aimlessly through S.H.I.E.L.D with no real destination in mind. I was observing how different it was from Hydra facilities, yet still similar in a way. Agents passed, casting nervous glances towards me, whispering and avoiding eye contact. Good. I had no interest in conversing with them either.

But one of those pesky Avengers wanted to talk to me. This time, it was the man with the arm made of metal. "Hey, Revenge? You know you're heading to the detention cells right?" I spin on my heel and assess him. "Then where are you recommending I go, Sargent Barnes?"

He furrowed his brows over his dark eyes. "How did you know my-" I interrupted him "Captain Rogers informed me of your 'team'." He calmed and shrugged "Oh. Well I was heading to the gym. You can come if ya want?" I nod and follow him, he wore shorts and a shirt with no sleeves to cover his shoulders. They dressed oddly nowadays.

"Might I ask why you have an arm made of metal?" I ask, a slightly curious tone in my voice. "Oh," he started "This? This is Hydra's handiwork. They had me just like they did you. But they didn't let me remember. When I lost my arm they found me and gave me this. I was an assassin until Steve rescued me last year."

I nod, soaking in the story "They froze you correct?" He nodded, waiting for me to continue. "Yet they didn't inject you?" Barnes shook his head. "No. Never." I bit my lip, mulling over how lucky he was. "Did they inject you?" I nodded my head "Daily."

Barnes examines me "That explains why you're crazy good shape." I smirk and shrug "It wasn't really my choice. But the thought is appreciated." A voice came over the speakers, making me jump slightly.

"All Avengers report to the gym for meeting. Bring Revenge with you." Barnes lead me to a gym filled with high tech training devises. Balls hovering through the air, shooting beams of light, a few Avengers sparring in a fighting ring.

Captain Rogers approached us, a red, white and blue shield attached to his back "Bucky, Revenge. Have any idea why Fury called us here?" Bucky shook his head "Nah. He's probably just PMSing."

I furrow my eyebrows, confused "PMSing? I don't understand." Rogers gives Barnes a knowing look "There's a lot we need to bring you up to speed on Revenge." Fury walked in and the rest of the Avengers came over.

"I've been talking with the War Council. They have come to an agreement." started Fury as he paced in front of us. "It seems Revenge has gotten the Councils attention. She took out 30 Hydra agents in less than a minute. They believe Miss Revenge will be a valuable asset against Hydra."

Romanoff was getting impatient "The point sir?" Fury stops pacing at gets directly to the point "They want her to become a part of the Avengers Initiative, after a series of tests of course." Romanoff was not pleased. "She doesn't have what it takes. She could be unstable. What if you trigger her Hydra programming?"

I clear my throat, butting into the conversation. "She has ears." They all look at me, completely silent. "Director Fury, what makes you think I'll join your band of oddly dressed lackeys? I just got out of Hydra, and I have yet to go sought out answers. Why would I get involved?"

Fury crosses his arms over his chest and states boldly "I have a feeling you want to stay. You know deep inside you know your best bet getting revenge on Hydra is joining us." I smirked, toying with him "And if I did stay Director, what would I have to do?"

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