Chapter 26: An unexspected turn

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Pic above his Douglas. He seems perfect for the role. I was convinced to name him Ben Linus but sadly ABC and Lost have rights to him. Sigh.

Steve Rogers

Captain America

"What the hell Stark!" I shout as I try to unbury Lillian from the rubble. Stark yanks my shoulder, trying to pull me back from my relentless digging "She lied to us Steve! She doesn't deserve sympathy. She's Hydra!"

I brush him off, shouting angrily "But she's not!" I drop to my knees in front of the rubble, continuing to dig her out "She's not." I finally found her arm, I proceeded to carefully dig her body out.

Her face hadn't been damaged besides a cut on her jaw, but her collarbone, chest and most of her body had been severely bruised. I quickly felt for a pulse, making sure she was still alive. I was relieved when I felt her faint heartbeat. I had barely realized that we had taken down all the Hydra agents.

"Why does she mean so much to you?" Stark inquired brutally, intending to offend me. I take her body in my arms, prepared to get her medical attention. "I care about her Stark." I admit, looking at her pale broken form.

Before Tony could answer, a sickening cackle filled the air. In our blown out front door stood a man with eerie features and a menacing face. "Well, well, well." started the man, waltzing over the rubble as Lillian had. "This just keeps getting better and better now doesn't it. First my prize assassin leads an army into your base where you quickly destroy them, she double crossed Hydra and now, to make it even sweeter, Hydras most hated enemy Captain America is in love with dear Raven. How quickly the tables turn."

I hold Lillian's unconscious body closer to mine, not wanting her around this man. He was probably the one who had her tortured and beaten. "We've beaten you asshole! Now surrender like a good nut case." Stark commanded, aiming a repulser at his chest. This man obviously had different plans. He produced a small round object from his pocket that was a little smaller than my fist. "I am sorry Mr Stark, but other arrangements have been made for The Captain and Miss Raven." He dropped the small device, Stark leaped to stop him but was to late. The room flashed a bright white and that's the last thing I remember before blacking out.

Lillian Raven Quinn


An excruciating pain was spread throughout my entire body. As if a house had been dropped on me. I groaned, rolling over carefully only to come in contact with another body. My eye snapped open and Steve Rogers met my eyes. He sat above me, looking down with concern.

I rub my face with my hands, feeling my entire body scream in pain from such a simple movement. "You defeated Hydra I presume?" Rogers rubs the back of his neck, not meeting my eyes as he admitted "Yeah, but things took an unexpected turn."

I dropped my arms, groaning in pain as I struggled to move. "What exactly happened Rogers?" I questioned, taking in our odd surroundings. We were in a very small dimly lit room that I recognized all to well.

I knew exactly what happened before he could even answer. "Shit Rogers! You got us captured by Hydra! What exactly happened after Stark shot me?" I tried sitting up but Rogers shook his head, carefully laying me back down. "Stay still Lillian. You were crushed by half a ton of rubble last night. And I don't remember much after a really creepy Hydra man came in and set off a flash grenade that knocked me out. It's my fault we're here."

I was still mad at him for trying to arrest me but he was a pretty hard man to stay cross with. He looked so mad with himself for getting us captured. But he looked so charming doing it. I clench my fists, letting out a frustrated groan "Ugh! It is possibly impossible to stay cross with you Rogers."

He offered a weak smile, chuckling softly as he pushed my matted hair from my face. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I press my lips into a coy smirk before replying "You'll know if your body still functions properly."

He was about to say something when the cell door flew open and the room was filled with amused chuckling. "Well aren't you two cozy as a bug in a rug."

Rogers turned, blocking my body from Douglas. but Douglas was always three steps ahead. He snapped his fingers and a vibranium cage snapped over him and pulled him to the other side of the room. "Let me go you son of a bitch!" He shouted, trying to free himself from his new accommodations.

Douglas towered over me as I lay helpless on the ground. "Time for you to learn what happens when you double cross Hydra." He claps his hands and men that towered six foot ten strapped me to the all to familiar torturing platform that resembled a bed standing up.

I couldn't fight them, my body was still recovering. "You both will watch the other suffer," Douglas explained. "So you may truly feel the meaning of love."

Love? I hadn't felt such a thing since my dear sister. But now I wasn't so sure. There was Rogers. Maybe I loved him?

"Then you will watch it die."

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