Chapter 25: Advancing on the enemy

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Lillian Raven Quinn


"Gather up." I commanded.

The soldiers moved quietly in perfect formations, the kind of perfect that made me question my plan. I just only hope that for all over our sakes that Steve and The Avengers are on my side. I fear the turn out would be dire.

I knew the Avengers had good intentions in their hearts, only wanting to protect the new world from what they deemed as threats. And right now I'm at the top of that list. If what I've heard is true, they have taken down a power mad man like Thor with an army of space creatures and a robot that looked at the new world and decided that it needed to end. So as you could see my odds of defeating Hydra and the Avengers were slim. At best I could evade them both. But that deemed impossible.

I feared that they would attack me on sight, kill me even. If they did so, no plan could be carried out. Hydra would wipe S.H.I.E.L.D out and everything as we know it would be over. So, not dying was now a main objective. But what if I pulled a stunt that would keep me alive? What if I did something so crazy it just might work? Good thing I am a lunatic that has been a prisoner for decades.

"I want squadron six and eight coming in through the air ducts to storm the main training deck. Squadrons five and seven, enter from the lower levels. Three and four, snake in from the upper levels. One and two you're with me, we go in through the front door. Move out and await my command."

Oh yeah, nothing about that was sane. But, I had a secret operation within a secret operation going on. Insane was possibly the only way to go about it.

The soldiers nodded, silently making their way towards their destination. The small squadrons of one and two followed me straight to the front door. I pulled the small clip out of a hand grenade and tossed it at the door.

Barely flinching as it exploded I waltzed in casually. The Avengers stood in an attack mode, glares, gritted teeth and anger radiating from their large group. "Ahh," I muse, stepping over the rubble. "The Avengers. We meet again."

Rogers remained silent and hostile as Stark spat "You backstabbing bitch!" I held my fist up, signaling my soldiers to remain in formation as I glided forward. "I am sensing hostility, some bitter feelings perhaps."

Rogers tried not to meet my eyes but with no avail. His eyes locked with mine, emotions flashing through his eyes like lightning. "Greetings Captain." I purred, hidden meaning behind my words. But Stark and Barnes took it the wrong way. They leaped towards me, Stark shooting a blue blast of energy at me as Barnes punched me in the face, sending me across the room into my soldiers.

Rogers started to move forward to help me but Thor held him back. I stood, having not been affected to direly by the attack. Spitting blood on the floor I inquire "Is that all you've got?" Rogers brushed Thors hand off, finally speaking "You have a lot of nerve coming back here Revenge."

I needed to sell this act so I could just destroy Hydra. "I have orders Captain. Not nerve." I replied monotonously. "Now I believe there has been enough chatter." I gesture forward with my index and middle finger, signaling my troops to advance.

The Avengers leaped into action, hacking down Hydra left and right. Rogers came at me, but not to hard where he'd injure me severely. "So this is how it's going to be Rogers?" I gritted out as I blocked his attacks. He deflected my roundhouse kick, spitting "That's because this is how you made it Quinn, you gave us no choice."

My attacks miss a beat and I get a punch in the nose in the process. I wipe the blood from my nose, retorting firmly "I did give you a choice. Help me rid the world of Hydra or don't. Quite simple actually."

Rogers attacks falter nearly all together, allowing me to knock him off his feet in one motion. "I beg to differ." He groans, rising back to his feet. I remain defensive but remained open to the conversation. "Then do tell."

Rogers kept the act going, swinging his shield at me as I came in with a punch. "Well to start with you dropped your plan on me, sort of destroyed our lobby, attacked us then shouted 'hail Hydra' before crawling back to Hydra where they could've brain washed you for all we know. Our only option was defense. It was to big a risk."

I kept my emotions in check as I kicked his firm torso, only resulting in pushing my body away from his. "You aren't the only one that was at risk you know. I had a twenty hour torture session just for escaping. Then I was forced to train, show my loyalty then lead an army here to destroy you all. You don't think any of that was hard for me?"

He groaned in frustration "Do you have any idea how hard it is to fight the first woman I've cared about since 1944?"
I realized what had come out of his mouth all to late. Both of our attacks completely faltered all together. Steve stood with arms dropped and eyebrows furrowed realizing what he had said as I stammered. "Y-you care about me?"

He stretched the back of his neck, shrugging his shoulders "Ye-ah. I guess I do." I was thinking about how to reply when another blue flash of energy sends me flying back through a wall.

And that's all I remembered.

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