Chapter 10: Gym time

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Raven Silver


I cross my arms over my chest, not amused at all. "Sir, this is not what I had in mind when you said 'test'." Fury chuckled, clearly taking amusement in this "That's the point Miss Revenge."

I huff, standing at the ready. The lights went out and I was instantly home. I grew up in the dark. The dark was a companion that was a valuable asset to me. "Three minutes to take out your opponents. Begin."

I felt a shift in the air, I moved soundlessly and caught the arrow that had been intended for me. I threw it back and heard the the thud of it coming in contact, causing a small electrical shock to the Hawk. Harmless bullets whizzed by me, which I evaded with ease. I could see them all, yet they could not see me. I moved soundlessly and pinched a nerve on Romanoff and Wilsons necks, causing them to slump to the floor.

I heard Barnes approaching me, clearly becoming accustomed to the dark. He swung at me with his metal arm. I blocked and kicked him in the chest, and threw him over my shoulder. The one known as Thor came at me. His hammer flew by me, I jumped and pushed myself off of the hammer and kicked him across the face, knocking him out.

A blue light came at me with great speed. "I gotta hand it to ya kid," started Stark. "You're pretty damn good. But not as good as me." He shot a beam of blue light at me, I bent back, the beam missing me completely. "I disagree." I punched the blue light in the center of his chest and his suit fell to the ground with him in it.

There was only one left. "Well, well Captain Rogers? Just you and me." His shield shown in the dark as he replied "You ready?" I scoffed, getting into a ready stance "Are you?"

His shield flew at me with impressive speed, I deflected it in time. But during that time Rogers got a blow to my stomach. I chuckled and faked a punch and came in with a sidekick to the chest, knocking him to the floor.

He rolled away in time to avoid my punch which left a dent in the floor. "Come on Captain Rogers. You aren't any fun." My legs are kicked out from under me and I hit the ground, Rogers was on top of me with my arms above my head, face inches away "Sorry ma'am. But I'd say your wrong."

I rolled my eyes and lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist and shoving him off me with ease. "Don't get ahead of yourself Cap. It takes a little more than that to get me."

I pinned him to the floor with my elbow at his throat. Furys voice came over the speaker, surprise traceable in it "A minute and seventeen seconds. Best record yet. Good work." The lights come on and I get off of the Captain.

I assess the room and couldn't help but feel proud. I took each of them down, but didn't cause to much damage. Barnes had regained himself, rubbing his real shoulder "Damn, you're tough."

I could help but let a smirk show under my hood. Fury came into the room as the others began regaining themselves. "I've been doing these stupid tests for weeks Fury. I'm getting tired of beating your team to pulp."

Fury shakes his head "You mean, your team." He crossed his arms as I made no move to react harshly. "Okay." I stated gruffly. "What now?" Fury folds his hands behind his back, as if he was addressing a soldier. "Well, you get to know your team instead of them getting to know your fists." I chuckle, amused at his words.

"And we will need you to remove your hood. We need your identity." I gaped. It was so not going to happen. But would it gain trust or loose it? "Uh? Sir, all I have left is my identity. It's the only thing I have from my past."

Fury nods "I know that. But if we had your identity, we could track down any living relatives and-" I cut him off harshly "My family was killed by Hydra! There is no one left!" The room was deadly silent for three seconds.

"You really think Hydra would let me have a sweet family reunion?" I said coldly, anger rising in my chest. "It is protocol. Your identity will only be known to your team and the War Council." Fury tried.

I shook my head, brushing past him. I ran through the building until I found what I was looking for. I found a beam that lead up to a pipe that would be a nice comfortable place to sit.

I climbed up and sat there quietly with my thoughts. My sisters face made an appearance in my mind. Her soft angelic voice. Her smile. Her overflowing joy even when her life was fading away to her sickness. A voice snapped me from my thoughts. "So, I'm curious. Is the whole identity thing personal or maybe the fact you like having the upper hand?"

I turn my head and see Rogers next to me. I look down at my feet "What brings you up here Captain?" Rogers pulled his legs up and sat with his legs crossed "You seemed like you needed someone to talk to."

I pick at my ripped pants and mutter "Its extremely personal." Rogers looked at me, there wasn't sympathy. But curiosity and friendship. I inhaled deeply, looking away from him "Captain, I'm gonna be honest with you. I can't tell you my name. It's all I have left. All I have of my sister."

Rogers folded his hands and asked carefully "Were you close? You and your sister?" I nodded, twiddling my thumbs. "Dorothy. She was beautiful, kind and caring. I wanted to be just like her. An odd thing for an older sibling. But she was amazing. The only thing was, she had lung disease. I was young so I didn't fully understand. All I knew is she was ill. She was destined to die. But Hydra took us and they killed her because she wasn't like me. Ironic huh?"

Rogers placed a hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze, I hadn't physical contact as kind hearted like this in 75 years. "I lost my parents before I became the super soldier." I leaned my back against a pipe and asked "How many years were you frozen again?"

Rogers pulled the shield off his back and drummed his fingers on it "Seventy years." I watched as his fingers ran across the shield, as if they had been through hell together. "A shield isn't a very commonly used weapon you know. But you somehow make it work."

Rogers smiled at me. And maybe, just maybe, I would share my identity. When the time was right....

Revenge of the Raven (Captain America and the Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora