Chapter 6: Meeting Revenge

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Steve Rogers

"Captain Rogers. Come in." I hear Fury's voice come in on my new mangled phone. I stop my conversation with Sam and Bucky to answer. I swipe the screen as I was taught "This is Rogers." Fury's voice echoes on the other side "I have a very important mission for you. We believe we have found another Super Soldier."

I almost drop my phone at his words. "Another Super Soldier? Hostile?" Sam and Bucky look at me with surprise. Fury's voice was unsure as he spoke "It is unclear. The Soldier killed over 30 Hydra agents in under a minute." I gape. This could be great or really bad.

"I'm sending you, Barnes and Wilson to find the Soldier." Fury adds. I switch my phone to my other ear "What do we know?" Fury sighs, he hated not having information "Not much. We were sending a team to a Hydra facility on the outskirts of Manhattan. We had inside information that they were receiving an important and highly dangerous package from another facility. The time frame was incorrect. But we were able to follow a unit sent out towards the city. They were chasing a running figure. It turned out to be the Super Soldier."

I furrow my brow "They perfected the serum? How?" Fury didn't have an adequate answer "We still have very little information on the situation. Your target is a young woman that calls herself Revenge." I was in shock "It's a woman? I thought the serum didn't work for them?"

Fury replies "I don't know Rogers. We need to take her in so we can get the information we need. I have eyes on her. Sending you coordinates. I want her here by morning, Cap." I reply curtly before hanging up "Yes sir."

I drop my phone on the couch and turn to my curious friends. "A second?" Bucky asks sitting up straight in his chair. Sam nods "Yeah. What's that all about?" I rub the back of my neck "There is supposedly another. We need to find her. Soon." Bucky leans forward "Why?"

My phone buzzes with coordinates as I answer "She thinks its 1939." Sam stands up "Another old person!" I roll my eyes and scan coordinates "Just suit up. Recon. We gotta get her off the streets." Bucky begins to suit up "Where is she?" I recheck the coordinates "Time Square."

Sam perks up "Time Square! Hot ladies here I come!" he has his gear on and is out the the door in a second. I toss Bucky his jacket as I hide my shield under mine. "Please try not to kill her." Bucky shrugs "We'll have to see if she lives up to her title."

We walked through the streets of Time Square. All we had for a lead was that she wore a black hood that obscured her face. "This better be worth it." Bucky grumbles. Sam bumps his shoulder with Bucky's "Hey, relax dude. This is a simple mission compared to what we've done before. All we have to do is find Revenge."

Bucky chuckles "That didn't sound stupid at all." I ignore their bantering and scan the crowd. It would be hard to find a single person in this wave of people. I saw something move in an alleyway. More like someone. I make a quick turn which Bucky and Sam follow.

A female sits on the fire escape in the shadow of the building. A hood obscured her face but you could see the pale skin of her hands gleaming. She had a dangerous aura about her. "If you value your life, leave." She says in a raw gruff voice that sounds like it hasn't been used in decades. It was beautiful and powerful.

I instantly have my shield in my hand "I take it you're Revenge?" The woman's head turns to us with curiosity "Wouldn't Hydra know its own creation?" Sam puts his hands on his hips "Sweetheart, we are the exact opposite of Hydra. We all hate Hydra with a burning passion."

Bucky nods in agreement "Hydra made me kill my friends." Revenge scoffs and leans over the rail of the fire escape "Pardon me for asking but, at what age were you brought into Hydra?" Bucky shrugs unsure "My twenties I think?"

Revenge chuckles "At least they have you the privilege of wiping you. What I wouldn't give for that." She jumps down but stumbles. You could see the blood trickling down her nose and onto her chin. Her body was running on fumes. "Are you the one they told me about?"

I furrow my brow "Who?" Revenge had an edge to her voice and a sense of urgency "The Man Out of Time. The man S.H.I.E.L.D told me about. The man that was like me. The other Super Soldier. The man who killed Schmidt." I nod uncomfortably "Yeah. I'm Captain America."

She take a few silent steps forward "Is this all some kind of simulation? Im really not in the future right? Ill get stabbed with more needles and I shall be back in my cell in Hydra." Revenge teetered forward so I rushed forward and caught her.

"No," I started. "I'am sorry. You really are here. And we need your help to take down Hydra." All I could see of her face were her dark lips. The pain she was going through didn't even faze her. "I don't trust people. I don't trust anyone." I understood what she meant.

"I don't trust many people but trusting has saved my life many times." Revenge was beginning to black out "I-Fine. But you can't know whom I am. I shall help you." She limps and falls unconscious. "Well, she is cheerful." Sam states as I give the signal for a S.H.I.E.L.D transport unit. "Trust me," Bucky starts. "Hydra will do that to you."

Revenge of the Raven (Captain America and the Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now