Chapter 1: ~1929

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Raven Silver ~ 1929

This was the day. The last day Raven Silver ever smiled. And it was a memorable day, Raven remembered it perfectly. She was playing a game of tag by the stream with her sister, Dorothy, who was a good two years younger than the eleven year old Raven. The girls had been playing outdoors all day on the lovely July day when their mother, Penny, called them in to eat supper.

The girl hurried up the yard towards the house, rushing inside to be met with a scream and the sound of someone collapsing. Raven and Dorothy rushed into the kitchen, where the sound had come from, only to find their mothers dead body sprawled out on the white rug with a bullet hole through her forehead.

The girls screamed as they were surrounded by men in scary blood splattered suits. "Take them." One commands. The rest of the men surge foreword, putting sacs over the girls heads and tying them up. "Let us go!" sobbed Raven, trying to get to her sister. The leader chuckled "That won't be happening young lady. You are coming with us wether you like it or not."

And with that the men knocked their guns over the young girls heads, rendering them unconscious. "Hail Hydra."


The girls awoke to voices echoing through a small room. "Only one of the girls biology is adequate for the testing phase and enduring the serum. What shall we do with the other?" The two girl whimpered in fear as the other replied "Dispose of her. Hydra does not tolerate failures."

Raven held her younger sisters hand as the sacs were removed from their heads. Dorothy's curly blonde hair was matted, as well as Raven's dark hair that gleamed against her porcelain skin in the small amount of moon light that light the small room.

"Let us go home!" Dorothy cried, a cough evident in her voice. Dorothy was ill. She had lung decease and was running short on time. It was more than a nine year old should have to bear.

The leader chuckled "You want to see your mother?" Dorothy nodded fearfully. Raven squeezed her sisters hand tightly as the man replies "You shall see her soon enough child. Now as for you elder sister, it shall be quite some time before she sees much of anything."

Raven watched in horror as the man brought a gleaming silver knife out, handing it to the other man in the room with him. The man kneels in front of Dorothy who's eyes shone with fear. "Hail Hydra." The man sliced the knife straight across her throat and Dorothy died right then and there. Blood splattered on Ravens overalls. Raven screamed and fought against the bonds, trying to get to her sister.

"No!!! Dorothy!!! No!!!" Raven screams in horror. She sobbed as she stared at her now dead sister. The leader smirks at the struggling girl "And so the fun begins." Right then, Raven knew, if even possible, things were going to get worse. Much, much worse.

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