Chapter 21: Devising a plan

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Lillian Raven Quinn


When our lips connect it was unlike anything I had ever felt. A fiery feeling built up in my chest as our lips moved slowly across each other. My hands running up his chest and around his muscular neck.

His hands moved across me with the pace of our kiss. Slow and achingly sweet. Rogers tilted his head, as if asking for permission to deepen the kiss, which I granted. Our pace quickened and I felt my back come in contact with the wall, causing me to tilt my head up towards him.

Slowly, we pulled away from one another for breath, being in dire need of it. Rogers blue eyes locked with mine as we stood panting. I then speak lightly due to lack of breath "I think you're quite possibly my favorite Avenger."

A challenging smile makes it way onto Steves face, an eyebrow lifted "Possibly?" I shrug, as if there was a slight chance he wasn't my favorite. Steve bends down and brings his lips to mine again, my body relaxing under his soothing touch. His fingers creep from my neck into the base of my hair before he pulls away slowly, a shy half smile on his lips.

"Well you're definitely my favorite now." I tease. Bloody hell, this man could turn me from hostile to a confused mess quite easily. I suddenly thought of how the team would think less of their leader if they knew we had been canoodling in the closet for the past ten minutes. I didn't want to have his team mates to not trust their leaders choice making so I had a plan I'd been devising ever since I arrived, I just needed the right person to help me.

"If I asked you to help me with something very against the rules would you help me?" I asked, getting serious. Steves eyes softened, pondering if he would or not. "I guess it depends on what it is you're asking."

I bit my lip, knowing he won't agree but trying anyway "So I suppose asking you to help me escape so I can join Hydra is out of the question?"

Steves face dropped along with his hands, all physical contact gone. "You want my help to betray S.H.I.E.L.D? You can't be serious." His words stung but I couldn't give up. Not now that I've started. "You're misunderstanding this. If I stay here Fury will never let me get revenge on Hydra. But if I make a dramatic escape and pretend to be loyal to Hydra we can lead Hydra right into a trap. Hydra will think you're all crippled from my escape but when they come you'll be ready with the Avengers."

Steve runs a hand through his hair, frustrated with the topic "You don't get it, the other Avengers won't help you. The only ones that would even think about helping you at this point are Sam, Bucky and I. That plan won't work. If I can believe what you've said, you've been fighting Hydra for almost seventy years. What makes you think you can stroll in there and what would make them believe you?"

I was taken aback by his statement. I figured that the feelings between the Avengers and I. "I know this sounds like pure madness but I believe I can do this. I could tell them that Schmidt gave me a mission that wouldn't be on records. I would escape Hydra the first chance I got, scout the forces of the enemy and come back to Hydra and lead the armies in advance on the new world."

Steve looked unsure, battling himself within. He took my hand awkwardly, me still getting used to the whole physical contact thing as he states "The World Security Council wants you in custody so do Fury and the Avengers."

I rip my hand from his, feeling betrayed. How could he do this to me? Though I deserved it.... right? "They-they sent you to arrest me?" I ask harshly, feeling as if everything that happened between us was nothing. And that's how I was going to act from here on out.

"It's not like that at all-" I cut his words off with my usual cold tone "That's exactly what it's like Captain Rogers. I don't care what you do from this point out. I'm getting out of here, try and stop me if you wish, inform Hydra I'm double crossing them for all I care. Maybe if you do tip them off I'll get a lovely torture session or maybe a wonderous mind wiping Sargent Barnes has spoken so much about."

He opened his mouth to try to protest but I cut him off again "No, I think I've got the message Cap. Now if you'll excuse me."

I brushed past him and open the closet door, stepping into the dimly light hallway. I began running towards the main exit, alarms began to blare, agents poured into the area, surrounding me. I chuckled coldly as I heard Rogers behind me. "Stand down Revenge." I glare at him, letting my anger flow from my mouth "You can't stop me! There is no stopping me! There is just Hydra." In mere seconds I was also surrounded by the Avengers, just my luck.

"I take it Quinny didn't take her arrest lightly." Stark mused from inside his suit. I grin coldly, narrowing my eyes as I seethed "You'll be pleased to hear that I will no longer be in your company. I am no longer a concern of yours."

I look over at Rogers, adding this part for good fun "Actually, I just may be one of your biggest concerns. Now that you no longer require me as one of you my mission is complete. The first phase of our plan is complete."

Natasha's eyes lock in on me, rage and hatred pouring from her icy eyes "First phase? All your time here was just to gain intelligence?" I fold my hands behind my back, a smirk still dawning my face. This was actually quite entertaining. "Of course Agent Romanoff. You really think that whole 'oh Hydra kept me prisoner for decades and I'm still against them' act was real? I've been trained to perfection. I mean, who's not going to take in a beaten bloodied woman whom claims to have been tortured her whole life."

Rogers wasn't sure to believe if I'm good or not. I could tell by his expression. I could use his help in this. But I had to keep the act up. "And when your leader yanked me into a bloody closet to arrest me I thought now was as good a time as any to show my true colors. How does it feel to be seduced by Hydra, Captain?" I wink at him, causing his ears to turn red as his team mates all turned to look at him.

"You were canoodling with Hydra? Really? The king of virgins?" Stark started, pissed off at the both of us. Rogers was speechless. "You are going down lady! Tainting our 'no longer Virgin Mary'!!!" He lunged at me but I evaded and slung him at the group of Avengers, knocking them all back.

"That isn't what happened!" Rogers protested as he shoved Stark off of him. I purse my lips, my hands resting on my hips "As entertaining this is, I must go. Farewell Avengers, for now."

Agents and Avengers charged towards me, I didn't panic. I had a secret weapon, lifting my fist I brought it down into the floor. Creating a blast of force that threw all of them back into walls, sent some crashing through windows, even rendering some unconscious.

I rose from my kneeling position and added for extra effect "Hail Hydra." and with that I disappeared into the night. Knowing Hydra would find me and lead me right to them.

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