Chapter 2: ~1939

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Raven Silver ~ 1939

Ten years. Ten long years. Raven was now twenty-one years old and all alone in this world. Almost directly after herself and Dorothy had been captured they had brought her father in. They tortured him as well as Raven for months, until finally, they killed him. They had broken Raven. She was angry, bitter, and had nothing but revenge on her mind.

The time of day came were they would beat her, inject her, beat her, run tests, then inject her again. It happened every other day, Raven guessed. The off day was used for me to regain consciousness. It was the closest thing to rest she ever got. But today was different. Raven had heard talk of a war starting. World War Two. And it didn't sound good at all.

Her captors were Hydra, supposedly one of the countries America as fighting. The door to her cell swung open and in walked the leader. His name was Schmidt, that is all she knew besides the fact he needed serious mental help. "Good morning sweet Raven. Ready for a big day?"

Raven narrowed her eyes and replied as she was trained "For the greater good." Schmidt nods his red skull "Good." One of his men wheel a large containment device that didn't look very inviting. They unstrap her from the table and force her into it. "You shall receive the final and most powerful injections in here then my dear.... we shall see you in a few decades."

Raven's eyes widen as needles are pushed into her arms, legs, chest, and abdomen. She grits her teeth and clenches her fists as her body excepts the serum. "Aghhhhh!" Raven groans in pain.

A familiar female soldier was typing on the machine Raven was locked in. Little did Raven know what was about to come. The serum settled in but still caused Raven a significant amount of pain. Schmidt ran a finger across Ravens jaw "You shall be Hydras greatest accomplishment. Hydra will win wars. Present and future. And you hold the key dear girl. Hail Hydra." Schmidt looks to the woman "Freeze her." The woman nods as Schmidt turns back to Raven "When you cut off one head, two more shall take its place."

Suddenly, Raven felt unbearable cold. The last thing she remembered was the word revenge echoing through her mind.

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