Chapter 14: Heroes

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Steven G. Rogers

Captain America

"I still think it's crazy that she gave up her identity just like that. She could've gotten anything she wanted out of Fury, yet she spills for some personal favor." Bucky mused as we hung around in my S.H.I.E.L.D apartment with Sam.

"It can't be family or anything like that. Hydra would've killed them all off a long time ago." Sam added. I leaned back into the sofa, piecing everything together. "But she's sure as hell bent on ending Hydra." I stated honestly.

Bucky nods in agreement. "I don't think she is planning on living through taking them down. To her this is the final stand off." I rub my chin, not liking that at all. "She doesn't deserve that though. She is getting the chance to live a life she has never had the chance to live. I can't imagine being held captive since I was eleven years old."

Why would someone who lost almost everything give up her identity? The one thing she had left for a piece of information. I stood up suddenly in the need for answers "I'll be back in a bit."

I left them and headed to where I knew I would find her. I went to the gym. We thought alike when it came to those things. When I arrived she no longer wore the hood and her old clothing. She wore S.H.I.E.L.D issued workout gear as she hit sit ups with her legs wrapped around the punching bag. Her dark hair fell freely around her face as her silver eyes caught the light that filled the gym.

"Something you need Captain Rogers?" She asked in a light tone. I approached her as I replied "Yes ma'am." She punched the bag and her fist right through it. "I assume it has to do with giving you my identity so easily." I shove my hands in my pockets and nod. "Why did you give up for us to track someone down?"

Her whole body faltered, looking away from me. "Hydra hated my father, the reasons are unknown to me. But when my mother had her third child, my father sent it away to protect the child from Hydra's wrath. He knew they would come after us, he let my mother and sister die!" She released her anger with another blow to the bag, sending the sand that had filled it to the floor.

"All I ever knew about this sibling was the name. Just one name that has haunted me for years." She said gravely. I was intrigued by this. "What was the child name?" Her startling silver eyes met mine causing me to think how ironic her last name was. "The child's name was Alex. I was never told the gender."

I nodded, getting her point "You want to find your family." Her eyes glinted dangerously as she hung a new bag up silently. I observed her and realized how built she was. Not to much for a lady though. But she was much stronger than she showed. I could tell.

"So how did a man like you end up becoming a super solider?" She asked out of the blue. I shoved my hands in my pockets and replied honestly "I volunteered." She hit the bag as she stated with edge in her voice "You chose this path?"

I nodded, feeling like this conversation took a wild turn. "Yes ma'am. My country needed me." Her angelic chuckling filled the cool gym air. "The people that you stopped needed me. They thought they had turned me to their side. But as it turns out your breed is the only that has prevailed against such forces."

I was curious as to what she meant by breed. "And my breed being what?" Her eyes meet mine, her hair making her eyes more deadly. "Heroes, Captain Rogers. Heroes."

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