Chapter 15: Tech wars

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Raven Silver

I am so utterly confused at this moment. "How is that devise talking to you?" The Avengers chuckled, minus Thor whom was currently absent. "It's Jarvis. He's an Artificial Intelligence I uploaded to my phone." The devise then said "I live to serve Miss Silver."

I jumped when it said my name. "Bloody hell!" I grabbed it from Tony's and threw it across the room, smashing it to pieces. The whole room fell silent, all but Tony who simply pulled another devise from his pocket.

"As I was saying. Then there's Instagram-" I cut Tony short with another question. "What is this instant gram you speak of?" Tony shakes his head, showing me the devise "No. Instagram. You take pictures so other people can like them."

I make a face, slouching in my chair. "So it's like an instantaneous telegram?" Tony shrugs his shoulders, still amused by my lack of technological knowledge "I guess so."

I push my hair away from my face and look at Steve. "Captain Rogers, might I ask what these machines have to do with the outside world?" Steve chuckles, a knee buckling smile gracing his face. "Well ma'am, just about everything. Our world revolves around cell phones."

I huff, propping my feet up on the table grumbling "Mucking perfect." Nat nudges my shoulder with her own, a teasing yet kind time to her voice "Hey, cheer up. Once we demolish Hydra we can have a girls day. I'll show you how crazy this generation is."

I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly very curious "How much have things changed?" Steve looks slightly sad as he replies "To much. And trust me, it gets much more confusing." I nod, pursing my lips "Much obliged. I was so confused that night. Seeing all the bright lights, masses of people. It was bloody terrifying. I still can't believe Hydra was going to send me out into a world I didn't understand to do their dirty work."

Bucky drums his metal fingers on the table as he stated casually "They would've taught you enough." I fold my hands awkwardly, hesitating to say what I was about to say. "My directives were quite different from yours Sargent Barnes. While yours were smaller scale missions mine were for the big picture."

Clint leaned forward, intrigued as the rest were. "Why don't you paint it for us then." I lower my feet from the table, replying carefully "Hydra told me I was meant for one thing. That I had a single purpose. I wasn't their assassin. I was supposed to lead their armies when the time came. I was meant for war. I was the perfect soldier. I suppose my troops would have known how to operate the technological devises."

The reactions varied from gapes, silence and speaking out. "An army? Against who?" Steve asked in a worried tone. I lean back in my chair and reply "Anyone who stood in their way. But seeing as I loathe Hydra and want them gone that won't be happening any time soon."

Tony evaluates me. Sizing me up almost. "Where you going to lead by choice or force?" I suddenly felt ashamed. Ashamed of my actions. "I-uh. I would have lead by choice at one point. But then I thought it through and realized how selfish I was being. They weren't going to give me what I wanted most."

Natasha made a face, looking disgusted almost. "What? Money-" I cut her off coldly "Death." The room fell silent again. Three for three. "I wanted to die. But they wouldn't let me. Wether it be at my hand or another's, I will find my death."

Steve was the first to speak up. "There are other ways to find peace." I lift my chin, looking him in the eyes "With all due respect Captain Rogers, it's not for peace. You don't know me or the hell I have lived. I'm not asking for peace."

Sam leans forward, resting his elbows on the table "Then.... what are you asking for?" I look at them, ashamed, as I declare weakly "Mercy." I drop my head, looking at the floor. "You don't know me or the things I have done. But if you did, you would agree death is a mercy. My mercy. I deserve death."

Steve crouches down in front of me, resting a hand on my knee he said "You don't deserve death. No matter what you've done." I pondered his words for a long time. A very long time.

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