Chapter 22: Hail Hydra

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Lillian Raven Quinn


Three minutes and eighteen seconds. That's how long it took Hydra to find me. It was quite amusing when I saw how confused they were to my surrendering. At the moment I was handcuffed to a post in the middle of the room while awaiting the new leader of Hydra to come and ask questions regarding my loyalty.

I stood up straight and in perfect attention when the cell door swung open, playing up to my part as Hydra. I wasn't at all shocked to see an younger man with menacing green eyes, light hair and a sickening grin plastered on his face.

"Ah, the lethal Raven I've heard so much about. I've only ever seen you frozen, it's a pleasure to meet you in your conscience state." He said in a gut wrenching voice. "I'm Douglas Pierce. Head of Hydra. I've been waiting for the day you were unthawed. You're our biggest success. But I would like to know more about this mysterious mission Schmidt gave you before you were iced."

I knew lying would be easy, it always was. I was trained to do this. I was meant for this. "Before I was put on ice sir Schmidt informed me when I knew I had been frozen for a large sum of time to leave Hydra so I would draw the forces of others out so I may infiltrate them. Once I had acquired enough information or they tried to lock me up to report back to Hydra and advance in an attack on the population."

Douglas nods, clearly believing my story. God was this generation gullible. "Good work soldier. It is clear your loyalty lies with us. And someone please, someone take her cuffs off. She's not our prisoner anymore, though there will be punishment for leaving unauthorized and killing one of our squadrons off."

I save him the trouble my pulling my wrists away from each other, breaking the hand cuffs from my wrists. "What did you learn about the enemy? Will they be easy to take with the Avengers on their side?"

I chuckle bitterly as I let my cuffs fall to the floor in a twisted mess "In order to gain their trust I had to join their team. I learned weaknesses, who to strike first and how their leader operates. Infiltrating them was quite easy. You show up beaten and battered they'll take you in. They'll be an easy win. Especially after seducing Captain America in the closet. After that I demolished the first floor of their base."

Douglas grins menacingly, simply eating up my not so out of context story. I remained emotionless as he said "And I heard you were given a name. Quite a dark one in fact. Revenge wasn't it? But I am thinking of going a little deeper into your tortured past. I'm thinking something brooding and bold. Catastrophe."

His grin darkens, causing me to inwardly shiver. "So what do you say Catastrophe? Are you ready for war?"

I smirked, replying with my role "Hail Hydra."

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