Chapter 5: ~ 2014

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Raven Silver ~ 2014 (Raven is still unaware of what year it is. She still believes its 1939.)

My arm shoots out and grabs the man whom unthawed me throat. My fingers grasp his throat, not allowing any air into his lungs. It was a different man than the last time. I guess it means this was my time. I keep my hold on his throat as I step out if my capsule.

Just before he blacks out I toss him against the wall with ease "Where the hell is Schmidt?" The man whimpers and shrinks back against the wall "That is classified information, soldier. We are under attack." He said in a shaking voice. I narrow my eyes "If you won't tell me, I'll make you."

The man cries out in fear as I kick him with all my strength in the chest, I hadn't realized my own strength because I collapsed his rib cage and killed him. I didn't care that I had mercilessly killed the man, I had killed before. I look to the cell door that he had foolishly left unlocked. Running, I exit my new cell. It seemed every time I woke I was in a new cell with more advanced machinery.

As soon as I was out the door I was met with Hydra agents with guns more advanced than anything I'd ever seen. "Halt. Return to your capsule, soldier." One orders. I grit my teeth "Not happening." I kick the first one, sending him into two other agents. "Subdue her!" Another orders.

I smirk darkly "I'd like to see you try." They charge, I dodge all their attacks, I got a punch across my face with an iron gloved fist. "She's dangerous! Take her out!" After a few more moments they all they dead on the ground from my immense strength. "Yes. I am dangerous. By all means, take me out."

I take a simple hand gun and extra clips off of an agent and jog down the hall. Shooting any Hydra agent in sight. I was dizzy, weak, and was near blacking out. But I had to keep moving. If I stayed here any longer I'd never make it out again.

I found an exit guarded only by two men. I was running, and I wasn't stopping for anything. "Soldier, stand down and report back to your capsule." One says aiming his large mangled gun at my chest. I knew it would harm me as I lifted my gun and shot him in the throat. The other guard was requesting back up as I shot him as well.

I ran out the door into the cool air of what I guessed was fall. It was late night, a few hours from dawn I guessed. Alarms blared as I ran, we were surrounded by forest. But there was a huge town in the distance with bright lights and tall buildings. The metallic taste of my own blood filled my mouth as I ran, stumbling into trees and tripping on roots. It had been forever since I had breathed fresh air and seen light as bright as the moon.

I knew I couldn't stay awake much longer. I just needed to make it to the city. It was a few more miles out. Do it Raven. I commanded myself. For Dorothy, Mom, Dad. Everyone Hydra had destroyed. I came to a paved road that lead right to the city. I ran along its side, faster than anybody had ever ran before, fueled by my hate, anger, and need for something I hadn't had much of. Freedom.

I make it to the outskirts of the city and look around like a fish out of water. There were bright boards with pictures that moved. People dressed in the oddest clothing I had seen. Cars that looked like were from the future. Lights flashed everywhere. It was overwhelming.

I saw an police officer on a horse nearby, it looked like the most normal thing I'd seen here so far. I walked up to him and asked gruffly "Where am I?" The officer looked confused. "You're in Manhattan mam." My breathing was uneven and shallow. I did a 360 and looked at everything in shock. It was far beyond anything I had seen.

I turn back to the officer but find he had disappeared. Something triggered and I started running again. I ran right into the streets, jumping over the odd cars as they honked their horns at me. I didn't care. I just ran. I stopped right in the middle of a less busy street and look at everything. There was a large billboard with the moving pictures. They all read different things. Phantom of the Opera. UFC. Taylor Swift. One Direction.

Out of instinct closed my eyes and took a deep breath before front flipping over a car that had hostile intentions. It was Hydra. I shot at the tires, as I was trained to do, but nothing happened. People ran from the scene, screaming in fear. Agents got out of the car and began to shoot at me.

I dodge the bullets of the familiar looking Hydra agents and shot back at them. I was clearly out gunned, but I knew I could take them. My hood obscured my face, casting a shadow across it.

"Surrender!" agents shouted. I raised an eyebrow "Thought Hydra didn't give up?" Out of nowhere, black cars pull up, different from the Hydra transports. Agents dressed differently climb out and begin shooting Hydra agents.

I kick a Hydra agent in the face, knocking him back into the mess of agents. "Pull back. Retreat!" calls the head Hydra agent heading for his transport. I shoot at them as they retreat but the bullets simply bounce off their automobiles.

I turn to the new agents and search for a leader among them. My eyes stop on an African American man with an eyepatch. I could tell he was the leader of the group. "I had this under control." I state gruffly, anger evident in my voice.

The leader steps forward out of the ranks "Sure. Kill an armada of Hydra agents in the middle of Manhattan. Plan well thought through." I narrow my eyes at the man, I had learned not to trust anyone. "Who are you?" he asks. This man had been through a lot. I could tell by his body language that he didn't trust people either.

I remained in a hostile position as I stated lethally "I am called Revenge." The man nods "I am Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Can you explain to me why or better question how you just killed over 30 Hydra agents in under a minute?"

I cross my arms over my chest "Training Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. Lots of training." Fury narrows his eyes "You aren't Asgardian or a Mutant. What are you?" I had questions I needed answered first "First I need to know something. Is the war over?"

Fury had a look of dread in his eyes "Which war?" I was confused. We were on the brink of war last I heard. "The Second World War has begun hasn't it?" Fury steps forward stating calmly "Don't worry. We won. Miss Revenge, what is the last year you remember?" I furrow my eyebrows, piecing it all together in my mind "It better be damn 1939 or Schmidt is going to die four times slower than I had already planned."

Fury shakes his head in the slightest "Schmidt was killed nearly seventy years ago." I clench my fists in anger "What year is it?" Fury replies carefully "It's 2014. How do you know about Schmidt?"

I grit my teeth as I spit my answer "Who had the pleasure of killing him?" Fury has his agents pick up the bodies as he answers "A man out of time just like you. He killed him in the 40s, it ended the war."

I look at the bodies with distain "Hydra will pay wether Schmidt is alive or not." With that I take off deeper into the city and disappear.

I promise the chapters will be longer once the Avengers join the picture. Stay Loki'd!!! Hail Hydra.

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