02; The Wedding

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Time went by a whirlwind for Xiao Zhan and the wedding day came upon them. He soughed dejected as he aspected his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he was finally getting married.

"What a good day to die today' Xiao Zhan gibbed bitterly.

Shaking his head grievously, he scrolled out of the bathroom, a robe covering his bare body as he came out to the hotel room he had been staying for the pass two days, his future mother in law was a very presisnt woman.

He slowly squatted on the bed and gazed intensively at his wedding clothes. He soughed for the hundredth time since he woke up that morning.

Who would blame him. He was a gentle soul and he always thought he would get marry to the man of his dreams, not an asshole for money but what choice did he have....none!.

He shut his eyes as he thought back to his loving boyfriend, he remembered how apoplectic Li Wei was when he told him about his sudden marriage and the rationales. His poor delicate heart broke more when Li Wei walked away without saying a word to him, foaming.

He sighed again placing his elbow on his lab and his palm to his chin as his thoughts ran miserablely just like he was. Then, his prejudiced thoughts were interrupted when the door of his domicile un​barred to reveal his two best friends, Wang Zhuocheng and Yubin, both dressed as if it was their own wedding. Xiao Zhan wished it was theirs instead.

"Why are you still sulking?" Yubin who was more tender and gentle like a new born baby was the first to ask as he noticed his friend's state.

Zhuocheng, the one with a short lived tempered rolled his organ of sight dramatically. "Don't tell you are still thinking of Li Wei" he went over to a couch and made himself comfortable.

Xiao Zhan's head jerked up at the mention of his now ex boyfriend's name. "Have you  heard anything from him yet?" He grilled.

Yubin sat beside Xiao Zhan and put a comforting hand around the other's shoulder. "Come on, don't sulk now. You can't ruin your pretty face for some asshole who failed to understand you. In just a few seconds, you are going to be a married man. Forget about Li Wei"

"How can I easily forget the man that owns my heart. I have been with Li Wei for three years now. How could I just abandon him" Xiao Zhan wanted those around him to understand but no one was buying it. They all wanted him to forget Li Wei but how could he forget such a man that had been a huge part of him for years now.

Zhuocheng sighed as he sat up straight. "We get you Zhan but you are not doing this for yourself. You are doing this for your family and your studies. You can't afford to drop out of college now that you have come this far." Zhuocheng gave another eye roll. "you have no idea how delightful I am now that you are no longer with that idiot"

Zhuocheng, Xiao Zhan and Li Wei had known each other since childhood and one could say they were super close. But even as a child, Zhan had always had a crush on Li Wei while Zhuocheng dispised the other. Only the high heavens knew how happy he was knowing his friend wouldn't he ending up with that ass crown.

"Get dressed now. Your sulking face is already putting me in a bad mood" Zhuocheng continued, glaring irritablely at Xiao Zhan, who chuckled at his friend attitude to cheer him up. Knowing Zhuocheng, he would never admit it.

Xiao Zhan stood up, he grabbed his classic black tuxedo before rushing to the bathroom. Minutes later, Xiao Zhan came out fully dressed for his wedding. Zhuocheng and Yubin had their mouths on the floor.

"Do I look that awful?" Xiao Zhan asked seeing his friends reaction.

Yubin shook his head. "No, you look monumental" he citation and the other two gave him weird looks at the word he used. Yubin only shrugged.

"Grandiose is the right word" Zhuocheng expressed, rising up from his seat.

"What's with all the big words?" Xiao Zhan could only beam.

At that very moment, the door opened again to reveal Mr and Mrs Xiao along with Xiao Zhan's little sister, Xiao Chynna.

"Oh my God Honey, you look dashing"Mrs Xiao reached around and enclasped her son.

"Mr Wang is a lucky man to have my brother" Xiao Chynna commented, twisting her hair on her left finger while her right hand was crossed over her chest. She was only a twelve years old girl. She had no worries at the moment.

"I know right" Zhuocheng verbalized, while coming to stand beside the little girl, putting a hand over her shoulder.

Mr Xiao palmed his son on his shoulder, giving him a propitious look. "Am proud of you son"

Xiao Zhan beamed mirthfully. "Thanks Father"

A young lady entered the room. "The wedding planner just called. One of the grooms have arrived at the church" she announced before leaving the room for the lovely family.

Xiao Zhan shrugged, seemed like the other man had no problem with the sudden arranged marriage. He must be desperate, he thought.

"Come on come on.  We can't keep the others waiting" Mrs Xiao rushed everyone out of the hotel room.


Time went by speedily and before Xiao Zhan knew it, he was already in the church, filled with different type of people, standing in front of his husband to be who only stared at him blankly as the priest said his speech. Xiao Zhan had to admit, Mr Wang wasn't so bad as he had thought. If he was being honest, he could say Mr Wang was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his whole twenty years of life. Mr Wang had all the features of a true man, sharp features, thick eyebrow, long eyelashes, bold shoulder, balanced weight, muscled body and a fine appearance. If it was about  the looks, Xiao Zhan wouldn't think twice before marrying this man. But the unruffled pose Mr Wang was representing was unnerving for Xiao Zhan.

Was this man made of rock or what...!

How could anyone be this calm because Xiao Zhan wasn't as hell calm, he was freaking inside as he could bearly keep up with the words of the priest. Oh Xiao Zhan admired the man for  his se​rene stance.

"Do you, Wang Yibo take thee Xiao Zhan as your lawfully wedded husband. To be with thy for richer or for poorer, for better or for worst and in sickness and in health. Do you promise to take thee as your life partner till death do you apart?" The priest read as all eyes turned to Wang Yibo, who stood unpuzzled.

"I do" he answered in a recollected manner. Making poor Xiao Zhan gasp inwardy at how deep and husky his voice was. He gulped as sudden sensations ran through him.

This wasn't how he planned his wedding.

The priest turned to Xiao Zhan. "Do you, Xiao Zhan take thee Wang Yibo as your lawfully wedded husband. To be with thy for richer or for poorer, for better or for worst and in sickness and in health. Do you promise to take thee as your life partner till death do you apart?"

He took deep and heavy breaths, her hands sweaty from stewing, his throat making gulping sounds and traces of sweat could be seen on his forehead. Was he ready?, How would he be able to live with this intimidating man that had remained collected all through out?. How was he going to live the rest of his life with a man he beared no feelings for?. Then he remembered he wasn't doing this for himself, his family had to survive and if  sacrificing his happiness was the only way to do it, than he was more than willing to make that happen.

With sudden determination, he replied. "I do"

From that day on, a new chapter opened in his life.


Chapter three coming up shortly.

Happy Reading...!

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