053: Epilogue

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(5 Years Later)

Parking the car in front of the school building, Xiao Zhan stepped out of it, and instantly, the wind blew through his hair. He took off his glasses and slammed the door shut and walked toward the entrance of the kindergarten school building while railing against the ground with his shoes.

He paid no mind to the glances of the teachers and children roaming around, walking past them as he headed toward the direction of the principal's office. He didn't bother knocking as he pushed in through the door, the people gasping at the sudden intrusion.

"Mr. Wang,"

Xiao Zhan's eyes went around, his eyes scanning the faces in the office till his gaze finally landed on the face he was searching for, and instantly, his expression softened.

"Mama!" Five years old Meilin exclaimed at the sight of her mama, getting off the chair and running into Xiao Zhan's open arms, who instantly lifted her off the floor.

"How's my baby doing today?"

The little girl giggled as Xiao Zhan ran his free hand into her black hair. "I'm fine,"

"Mr. Wang," the principal cleared his throat and successfully got Xiao Zhan's attention. He put down Meilin and occupied the empty chair. "Thanks for coming on short notice Mr. Wang but this was too importa-"

"Your daughter punched my son!"

Xiao Zhan finally noticed the Mother, Father, and six years old boy at the other side of the room. He stared in amusement at the little boy who had a patch at the bridge of his nose. Xiao Zhan looked back at Meilin and the little girl looked away from her Mama's gaze shamefully.

Xiao Zhan chuckled to himself.

"You think this is funny. I can have you sued for this!" The boy's mother yelled angrily and Xiao Zhan chuckled again at the absurdity, turning to his daughter.

"How did it happen, baby girl?"

"H-he was bu-llying my friend, he called her a ba-stard, you said it's a bad word and it made her cry, so I punched him. Daddy is going to be mad at me. I'm sorry Mama," Meilin admitted shamefully, her daddy had warned her not to get into fights with anyone at school but she couldn't help it. He was asking for it when he bullied her friend.

Xiao Zhan tsked and shook his head. "Daddy is going to be mad for sure but he will get over it. Let's go meet your daddy and your brother?" He was already standing up, taking the hand of his daughter.

"Mr. Wang, you just can't leave. This is serious as your daughter had demonstrated violence, " the principal also stood up but Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes and turned toward the door but his path was blocked by the boy's mother.

"Ma, I suggest you step out of my way," Came the low warning. Xiao Zhan didn't have time for this.

"Now I know where your daughter got it from. You are just as rude and raffish," she asserted.

"And I also know where your son got it from," Xiao Zhan got closer to the woman. "If you do not want to see your son with another broken nose, you should teach him some respect and how to be considerate of others' feelings. Perhaps, you should get your mother to teach you too while I go teach my daughter how to put the likes of your son in their places. Excuse me, I need to get back to my husband and son,"

With that, he brushed passed her to the door, leaving her standing there like a fish out of water.

Xiao Zhan and his daughter got into his car. He helped her with the seat belt and drove off the lot.

"Are you mad at me Mama?" The little girl blinked at Xiao Zhan.

"Of course not, angel. Mama is proud of you. I would have punched him too if I was in your place. I'm glad that you can stand up for yourself and those around you, bullying shouldn't be tolerated," Xiao Zhan said, killing the engine at the front of a restaurant. He turned to his daughter. "If someone dares bullies you or your friends, send them to the hospital, I will pay the bills," He leaned in to kiss her head and they got out of the car.

Getting into the restaurant with Meilin beside him, he instantly spotted who he was looking for and took hold of Meilin's hand, and headed towards the table, instantly kissing Wang Yibo on the forehead, who had a little boy of two years on his lap.

The tiny being instantly stretched his arms toward Xiao Zhan who happily took him from Wang Yibo's arms. "I was gone for only a few minutes, did you miss me that much," Xiao Zhan sat down on the vacant chairs while Meilin got beside her daddy.

"Did something happen, Meilin?" Wang Yibo pushed up an eyebrow at his daughter who had chosen to stare at the table instead of meeting her Daddy's eyes.

"Meilin punched a kid for bullying," Xiao Zhan answered instead, trying to prevent the baby in his arms from reaching out to the glasses on the table.

Wang Yibo's expression softened, reaching out to stroke her head. "You did the right thing, did you think I was going to scold you?" he asked and the little girl nodded.

"You told me not to get into fights at school,"

"Unless it was necessary. You put that kid in his place, you could have broken his teeth and I would have treated you to ice cream," he brushed his finger at the tip of her nose and she giggled happily.

Her parents were proud of her.

"I'm so hungry, have you ordered yet?" Xiao Zhan looked at his husband with a pout and Wang Yibo rolled his eyes but chuckled to himself.

"You are such a big baby," he uttered

"But I'm your big baby," Xiao Zhan winked and Wang Yibo returned it, fondness and warmth in his eyes.

"Of course you are. No one can take your place,"

Life was good as it could be, Xiao Zhan couldn't ask for more. Being with his family was more than enough and he would do anything to protect them even at the cost of his life. What was the point of living if he lost them? Xiao Zhan didn't want to entertain the thought and just let himself enjoy the moment of being fed by his husband.

"You big baby," Wang Yibo reached out to wipe food stains from Xiao Zhan's mouth, then at Meilin who was whinier for attention than her Mama.

It was perfect.

Was he supposed to say it was a happily ever after or did happily ever after only happen in fairy tales?

Only the future would tell and Xiao Zhan couldn't wait for it.

The End!

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